目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 选题背景意义 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.1.1 案例开发阶段(20世纪90年代末至今) 1
1.1.2 理论研究阶段(约2006年至今) 2
1.1.3 前沿研究阶段(约2008年至今) 2
1.2 选题意义 2
2 手持技术的相关介绍 3
2.1什么是手持技术 3
2.2 手持技术在中学化学实验中的意义 4
2.2.l使实验更加现代化、简易化 4
2.2.2使实验更加综合化 5
2.2.3使实验不仅关注定性研究而且进行定量研究 5
2.2.4使实验教学中教师和学生角色完成更充分 6
2.2.5使课堂变得更加高效 6
2.2.6使课外探究多了一项利器 6
2.2.7促进学生思维品质的提升 7
3 手持技术在中学化学教学中的实例应用 7
3.1手持技术在化学反应速率中的实验应用 7
3.1实验目的 7
3.2实验用品 7
3.3实验步骤 8
3.4实验研讨 9
3.5实验总结 10
3.2基于手持技术的酸碱中和滴定实验 10
3.2.1实验目的 10
3.2.2实验用品 10
3.2.3实验步骤 11
3.2.4实验研讨 12
4 结论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
摘 要
The new curriculum reform curriculum structure has been a major adjustment, the course content to reflect their student life experience, aimed at changing the lives of student learning and the real world out of touch situation. In teaching chemistry, handheld technology can quantitatively chemistry experiments. This paper introduces the concept, characteristics and development situation handheld technology, describes the specific applications of handheld technology. Students learn to know handheld technology in this course, you will learn new forms of information exchange. The skilled master, will make the process clearer chemistry experiment, students out of the laboratory experiments and scientific inquiry become a reality, but also a powerful complement to traditional experimental methods.
Keywords:chemistry teaching, handheld technology, test applications