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互联网小额贷款的监管问题研究 MBA硕士论文定稿+开题报告+一稿+二稿
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  



专    业:工商管理硕士

硕 士 生:


摘  要






Research on Local Financial Supervision

——A Case Study from Guangzhou Internet Microfinance Industry

Major:Master of Business Administration




The stability of the financial system is the cornerstone of sustained economic growth and social stability. However, with the deepening and innovation of financial development, financial institutions and financial products tend to be covert, diversified and complex, and thus financial supervision is becoming more and more difficult.

In order to maintain the stability of the financial system, China's financial regulatory system is also constantly changing. Among them, "One Bank, Two Commissions" becomes the form of financial supervision, which realizes vertical supervision from top to bottom, while local financial supervision corresponds to bottom-up financial innovation. Local financial supervision departments shoulder the responsibility of local financial development, but also need to take into account the importance of preventing regional financial risks. Internet microfinance breaks through the limitations of shareholders and business scope, and is a relatively successful financial innovation of traditional financial institutions in the context of the Internet. How local financial regulators perform their duties, guard against systemic risks, and predict the risks of financial innovation are of great significance to maintain local financial stability.

This paper focuses on the Internet micro-loan companies in Guangzhou Civil Financial Street, explores the current regulatory status and challenges, and tries to work out some solutions.

With the study in this paper, the following conclusions are drawn: First, local financial supervision lags behind the practical needs. Local financial institutions are becoming larger and larger, and their products are more diversified. Local financial supervision resources are seriously inadequate. With the inauguration of the Financial Development and Stability Commission and local financial supervision and management bureaus on after another, the local financial supervision is gradually unifying supervisory functions in different departments, which were decentralized before, and gradually improve the top-level system of local financial supervision and the supervisory implementation rules, in order to reduce the possible regulatory arbitrage space. Secondly, the effect of local financial supervision in Guangzhou is relatively good. Through the analysis of supervision measures and operation of Internet micro-loan industry in Guangzhou, the reward and punishment mechanism under strong supervision is relatively absent, and the development of the industry tends to be conservative. Finally, to strengthen local financial supervision, we need to use information technology to achieve breakthroughs, to improve risk monitoring platform and to optimize off-site supervision, and to strengthen the ability of risk early warning and prevention.

Keywords: Local Financial Supervision, Internet microfinance, Risk-prevention


摘  要



第1章 绪论




第2章 文献综述和相关理论

2.1 金融监管相关文献

2.2 金融监管相关理论

2.3 本章小结

第3章 金融监管框架演进与地方金融的角色

3.1 统一监管阶段地方金融监管尚未成形

3.2 分业监管阶段地方金融监管辅助位置

3.3 监管改革阶段地方金融监管确立地位

3.4 本章小结

第4章 地方金融监管对象分析

4.1 地方金融机构概述

4.2 地方金融机构风险概述

4.4 本章小结

第5章 地方金融机构监管案例分析-广州互联网小贷行业监管

5.1 广州地方金融监管机构设置

5.2 广州互联网小贷行业介绍

5.3 广州互联网小贷监管措施

5.4 案例问题归纳

5.5 本章小结

第6章 地方金融监管问题的对策建议

6.1 完善地方金融机构监管体系

6.2 强化地方金融监管资源配置

6.3 推进机构评级进行差异化监管

6.4 本章小结



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