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中国上市公司高管国际化背景对海外并购绩效影响的研究 硕士论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  







The Impact of Top Management Team’s Overseas Background on Firm’s Performance in Overseas M&A:

An Empirical Research on Chinese Listed Companies

Chenlu MA (Quantitative Finance)

Directed by Prof. Wei CEN


Overseas M&A is a major development strategy of enterprises and behavior of companies’ seeking capital expansion across boundaries. It can not only break barriers, open up international markets, integrate and use global resources, but can also get the business and financial opportunities, utilizing international advanced technology to optimize its industrial structure chain.

Although Chinese companies are surrounded by a variety of investment bankers, lawyers and consultants, it is still undeniable that there are a lot of Chinese companies lacking overseas M&A experience. Since each person’s interest is not the same, those consultants hope the transactions are successful, and some acquires may feel that the deal is inappropriate. According to McKinsey’s survey on 2008 Boao Forum, 88 percent of executives believe that lack of talent is the main reason for the failure of overseas M&A. Many studies have shown that TMT’s international background is essential for enterprise internationalization strategy. This paper’s motivation also comes from it. Through the empirical study of TMT’s international background’s impact on Chinese enterprises overseas M&A performance, this paper attempt to answer: “whether TMT’s international background can improve the performance of overseas M&A?”, ”What kind of international background can enhance the performance of overseas M&A?” and other key issues. It will be beneficial for enriching the theory research and providing suggestions for companies intending to conduct overseas M&A and government formulating policies.

Based on the research results home and abroad and the analysis of the actual situation of Chinese enterprises overseas M&A, this paper uses Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) to measure the short-term performance of overseas M&A and the change of Total Return on Assets (ROA) (ΔROAt-1,t+1) to measure long-term performance. The conclusions are as follows: 1. for short-term performance, TMT possessing international background is significantly positive, which means that TMT’s international background gets full attention by investors in the market. 2. Overall, long-term performance of listed companies’ overseas M&A has not improved. TMT’s international background, especially multinational corporations background, goes against long-term performance. 3, when the TMT’s has the person who is from (or study, work in) the host country, the long-time performance of companies’ M&A is better.

This article seeks to contribute in the following two aspects: 1, enriching existing research literature on the characteristics of the TMT and it is the first time the link TMT’s international background and overseas M&A performance. 2, through empirical research, under the current Chinese M&A environment, having international background top manager may not improve the post-M&A operating performance, but having top manager who is familiar with the host country can significantly promote the performance. This provides useful inspiration for enterprises overseas M&A practice. Because the Chinese overseas M&A is still at primary stage and this paper’s research object is Chinese listed companies, there exist problems like limited number of samples, short span of time window and other issues, hoping to get further improvements in future studies.

KEY WORDS: Listed companies, TMT background, Overseas M&A, Performance


1 序言

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究意义

1.3 研究框架与内容

1.4 研究方法

1.5 研究贡献与创新点

2 文献回顾与评述


2.2 高管背景对企业绩效影响的研究

2.2.1 高管背景(除国际化)对企业绩效的影响

2.2.2 高管国际化背景对企业绩效的影响

2.3 高管国际化背景对海外并购影响的研究

2.3.1 海外并购绩效

2.3.2 高管国际化背景对企业海外并购绩效的影响

2.4 文献评述

3 研究假设

4 实证研究


4.2 变量描述

4.2.1 被解释变量:海外并购绩效

4.2.2 解释变量描述

4.2.3 控制变量描述

4.3 模型构建

4.4 高管国际化背景对海外并购短期绩效影响的实证研究

4.4.1 事件研究法介绍

4.4.2 短期绩效影响的实证研究

4.4.3 短期绩效实证结果分析

4.5 高管国际化背景对海外并购长期绩效影响的实证研究

4.5.1 财务指标研究法介绍

4.5.2 长期绩效影响的实证研究

4.5.3 长期绩效实证结果分析

5 研究结论与展望

5.1 主要研究结论

5.2 现实启示

5.3 研究局限与未来研究方向


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