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银企股权关联对企业风险承担的影响——来自中国市场的证据 硕士论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  








Effects of Bank-firm Equity Connection on Corporate Risk Taking:Evidence from China

Jiao Xue (Finance)

Directed by Wei Cen


With the gradual deepening of the financial market reform. Since 2003, there have been financial enterprises ownerships held by firms, especially banks. For the reason that banks are strictly supervised and large, they need a lot of investing capital funds with demanding requirement for the shareholders. Listed companies are usually top in their fields and become favorable objects in the process of bank increasing investments. For firm stakes held banks, it’s more complex both for the source and forms, and the situation is much more complicated.

Since 2015, under increasing pressure of downward economy, the government has published intensive measures about the second round of “Debt for equity swap” reform and linkage of equity and loans, which made the Bank-firm Equity Connection (BFEC) once become the focus. It’s expected that with te implement of those policies, BFEC will be closer and diversified in the future.

This paper studied the relationship between BFEC and corporate risk taking. There is no strict distinction of the different impacts on corporate risk taking between firm stakes held by banks and bank stakes held by firms. This paper argued that the motivation and operating access are not same and can not be confused, so that the influence and transmitting channels are distinguising. Based on the date from 1999 to 2014 of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies, we found that bank stakes held by firms have different impacts on SOEs and non-SOEs. The holding behavior can significantly improve the level of firms’ own risk taking for non-SOEs. And it’s not significant for SOEs. On the other hand, the impact of corporate risk taking is associated the shareholding ratios of firm stakes held by banks and relationship is “U”-shaped. Overall, bank ownership could reduce the corporate risk taking level. For SOEs, it’s significant for reason that the high ratio holding behavior happened on them. For non SOEs, the relationship is negatively related.

Since then, we believe that BFEC as an important informal institutions in emerging markets, the impact of firm stakes held by banks is uncertain, and bank stakes held by firms indeed improve the level of risk taking for non-SOEs.

In this paper, on the basis of previous research methods, we systematically studied the relationship between BFEC and corporate risk taking. We proposed the different influence of those two types on theoretical reasoning, and it’s supported by the empirical test of the data. It’s meaningful for the guidance of the reality.

KEY WORDS: Bank-firm Equity Connection,Bank stakes held by firms,Firm stakes held by banks,Corporate Risk-taking


第一章  绪论

1.1  研究背景和问题的提出

1.2  研究基本框架

1.3  研究贡献和创新之处

第二章  国内外研究情况及文献综述

2.1  企业风险承担相关文献综述

2.1.1  外部环境对企业风险承担的影响文献评述

2.1.2  内部特征和治理机制对企业风险承担的影响文献评述

2.1.3  管理者个体特征对企业风险承担的影响文献评述

2.2  银企股权关联文献综述

2.2.1  企业参股银行文献综述

2.2.2  银行持股企业文献综述

2.3  银企股权关联与企业风险承担文献评述

2.4  本章小结

第三章  银企股权关联的发展

3.1  银企股权关联的内涵

3.2  我国银企股权关联形式发展

3.2.1  企业参股银行形式与发展

3.3.2  银行持股企业形式与发展

3.3  未来银企股权关联关系展望

3.4  本章小结

第四章  企业参股银行与企业风险承担

4.1  理论分析及假设的提出

4.2  变量的衡量与描述

4.2.1  企业风险承担的衡量

4.2.2  企业参股银行的衡量

4.2.3  现金持有量的衡量

4.2.4  控制变量的选择和衡量

4.3  研究设计及样本选择

4.4  描述性统计

4.4.1  基本描述性统计

4.4.2  均值及中值检验

4.4.3  相关系数分析

4.5  多元回归结果及分析

4.6  内生性探究

4.7  稳健性检验

第五章  银行持股企业与企业风险承担

5.1  理论分析及假设的提出

5.2  变量衡量及描述

5.2.1  银行持股概念的界定

5.2.2  企业风险承担及控制变量

5.3  研究设计及样本选择

5.4  描述性统计

5.5  多元回归结果及分析

5.6  内生性探究

5.7  稳健性检验

第六章  研究结论及政策建议



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