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金字塔层级、政府放权与地方国有企业风险承担 毕业论文定稿+初稿+选题参考+样本数据
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  




【Summary】Pyramid structure is a common corporate structure in China, especially for those State-0wned Enterprises(SOEs). It can not only reduce the degree of government intervention to an enterprise, but also reserve government’s decision-making power. This is a kind of government decentralization, which can help the enterprise improve its corporate risk-taking. In this article, we look at the questions that how the layer of corporate pyramid affects its level of risk-taking, that what its mechanism is, and that government decentralization plays what role in this process. This article takes a sample of local state-owned companies listed in the SH and SZ A-shares from 2004 to 2014. The study finds that: First, increasing the pyramid level of local SOEs can promote them to increase their risk-taking level; Second, in the regions where the degree of marketization is high, local SOEs have a relatively higher level of risk exposure, and the level of risk-taking among firms among different pyramid levels is relatively small. Third, the pyramid-level increase helps to reduce the policy burden on companies and increase government decentralization, so as to enhance the level of corporate risk exposure. The conclusions enrich the literature on local state-owned enterprises' risk-taking, help to clarify the role of the marketization process in the pyramid-level impact on corporate risk-taking and the mechanism of these phenomena.

【Keywords】local State-Owned Enterprise; Corporate Pyramid; Government decentralization; Corporate Risk-Taking




2.1 金字塔结构

2.2 企业风险承担



4.1 样本选择与数据来源



5.1 描述性统计

5.2 相关性检验

5.3 金字塔层级对地方国有企业风险承担水平的回归分析结果

5.4 稳健性检验


6.1 地区层面:地方国有企业金字塔层级、市场化进程与企业风险承担

6.2 企业层面:地方国有企业金字塔层级、政策负担与企业风险承担



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