【摘要】 皮草皮革产业是海宁的传统优势产业,也是海宁重要的区域特色产业。近年来,海宁众多自产自销皮草厂家面临着巨大的同行竞争压力,皮草销售行情每况愈下。因此制定合适的皮草销售策略是海宁自产自销皮草商家能在竞争激烈的皮草市场生存下去的重要途径。
【关键词】 自产自销,销售策略,访问调查法,回归分析,主成分分析
The Mathematical Model Study of Haining Fur Industry’s Best Sales Strategy
【Abstract】 The fur industry is Haining’s traditional dominant industry, and is also the regional characteristic industry. in recent years, many Haining’s fur factory who produce and market all by themselves faces with a huge pressure of peer competition. The sales quotations of fur industry become poorer day by day. So make the right sales strategy is the important approach to make Haining’s fur factory who produce and market all by themselves can survive in the competitive fur market.
This article first adopts the method of visiting investigation to the acquire average production cost, the average other cost , the average selling price and the quantity of sales of furs that Haining’s fur factories sold from November 2017 to January 2018. Than get the functional relation between average cost and quantity of sales, the functional relation between average selling price and quantity of sales by regression analysis in SPSS. Got the integration function with the comparison expression of
, solve the finally one variable cubic equation,get the maximal value and the correspondent average cost, average selling price and quantity of sales can be obtained at the same time. Last calculation of cost system value by principal component analysis, and get the weight in the average total cost of the acquire average production cost and the average other cost, get the value of the acquire average production cost and the average other cost. So that Haining’s fur factory can have the right sales strategy.
【Key Words】 produce and market all by themselves,sales strategy,the method of visiting investigation,regression analysis,principal component analysis
目 录
1 绪 论
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国内研究现状
1.2.2 国外研究现状
1.3 研究内容
1.3.1 解决的主要问题
1.3.2 研究内容及范围
1.3.3 研究方法及成果
2 数据获取及处理
2.1 数据获取
2.2 符号说明
3 回归分析
3.1 平均售价与销售量回归模型
3.1.1 最优回归模型选取
4 利润最大化模型
4.1 模型原理
4.2 建立并求解利润最大化模型
5 主成分分析法求成本系数
5.1 操作步骤
5.2 输出结果分析
5.3 确定权重
5.3.1 两指标在两个主成分线性组合中的系数
5.3.2 主成分的方差贡献率
5.3.3 指标权重的归一化
结 论
附 录
致 谢