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基于 C/S结构的服饰公司管理系037
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

此系统是基于BORLAND公司的delphi6.0开发平台上开发的一个管理系统,要求掌握SQL语言,了解如何用Access 2000建立数据库,熟悉数据库开发技术,了解深一步的编程能力。本系统以Delphi 6.0为前台开发工具以Access 2000为后台数据库,开发的单机系统。

关键词:Delphi Access 服装管理 销售管理

   Along with the progress of the society, the calculator information handles the technical high speed development, with the information share and fast search index for the basal modern transact the very big degree of mode up the exaltation transact the efficiency, this also give the clothing company the manager put forward the higher request, how build up a set of integrity of business enterprise management system, the thus convenient clothing company the manager supports to hold to various information of business enterprise quick.The global economic integral whole turns to make the local clothing business enterprise face the more rigorous market to compete, building up a valid information  management system, can make the business enterprise own the more careful business management and controls.Have the different function to the different customer at the same time.This system carried on the analytical and concrete design of detailed need according to the objective demand of each big business enterprise, for example the system managing person class has the legal power of the tallest Class, can use the function of the havings of the system;Generally the managing person has to use the legal power generally, can search the basic information, and personal opinion of feedback, send out to serve to request etc..
This system is a management system that develops up according to the delphi6.0 development terrace of the company of BORLAND, requesting to control the language of SQL, understanding how use 2000  establishment databases of Access, acquaint with the database development technique, understand the plait distance ability of the deep one step.This system with Delphi 6.0 for the stage develops the tool with Access 2000 is the backstage database, single machine system of the development.
Keyword: Delphi Access   clothes management   sales management
摘要 3
第一章 概述 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 Delphi简介 1
1.3 安装Delphi6 1
第二章 需求分析 2
2.1 引言 2
2.2 项目概述 2
2.3 需求分析的任务 2
2.3.1 确定对系统的综合要求 2
2.3.2 确定对系统的目标 3
2.4 分析过程 3
2.4.1 沿数据流图回溯 3
2.4.2 用户复查 3
2.4.3 修正开发计划 4
2.4.4 书写文档 4
2.5 概念模型和规范化 4
2.5.1 ER模型 4
2.5.2 IPO图 6
第三章 概要设计 6
3.1 系统总体设计 6
3.1.1系统功能描述 6
3.1.2 系统流程图 7
3.2.1 数据库系统概述 7
3.2.2 Access数据库 8
3.2.3 Access数据库的功能结构 8
3.2.4 数据库设计 9
第四章 系统实现 11
4.1 用户登陆 11
4.2 数据的添加、修改与删除 13
4.3 数据查询 14
第五章 测试结果 17
结束语 19
参考文献: 19

第一章 概述
1.2 Delphi简介
Delphi6 是Borland 公司在2001年推出的基于对象 Pascal语言的 RAD(Rapid Application Development,快速应用开发程序)工具。作为一种Windows系统下的可视化集成开发工具,Delphi 6以其良好的可视化应用程序开发环境,以及强大的可扩展数据库功能而倍受瞩目。利用Delphi6提供的强大的VCL(Visual Component Library,可视化组件库)进行编程,可以快速、高效的开发出基于Windows 环境的各类应用程序。尤其在数据库和网络方面,Delphi更是一个十分理想的软件开发平台。它具有如下几个优点:

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