Natural gas produced when it leaves a reservoir or from an underground reservoir and after desulphurization usually contains water vapor,some of which contain H2S and CO2,acidic gases that can corrode pipelines and equipment. Water vapor is easy to form hydrate when the pressure and temperature of natural gas change,which does not meet the requirements of natural gas gathering,transportation and deep processing. Therefore,water vapor,H2S and CO2. must be removed from natural gas.
The conventional process of natural gas dehydration in oil and gas fields is solvent absorption method and solid desiccant adsorption method. At present,two kinds of process methods are widely used:ethylene glycol absorption dehydration and molecular sieve adsorption dehydration. The limits of application of the two methods are the amount of water content in the purified natural gas. That is,what is the dew point of natural gas. For cryogenic separation of natural gas,the dew point of natural gas must be very low,and molecular sieve adsorption dehydration process is usually used. The triethylene glycol absorption dehydration process is usually used to ensure that no hydrate is formed during natural gas gathering and transportation.
The product gas requirement of this design is 5 ℃ lower than the lowest ambient temperature under the condition of transportation. Here,according to the design of ≤-30 ℃,the material,heat balance;PFD (including equipment,logistics,automatic control point),equipment layout diagram,etc. Assembly drawing of key equipment.
Keywords:triethylene glycol;dehydration process;material;heat;accounting
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2研究现状 2
1.3设计任务 4
1.3.1 设计基础数据 4
1.3.2 设计要求及内容 4
1.3.3 设计文档要求 5
第2章 工艺流程设计 6
2.1 设计原则 6
2.2 设计遵循的规范及标准 6
2.3 设计具体内容及范围 6
2.4 主要技术经济指标 7
2.5 三甘醇脱水工艺流程 8
2.5.1工艺方法选择 8
2.5.2三甘醇脱水工艺流程简述 9
2.6 设计特点 9
2.7设备选型 10
2.7.1 原料气过滤分离器 10
2.7.2 干气出口分离器 11
2.7.3 吸收塔 11
2.7.4 再生系统 13
2.7.5 过滤器 13
2.7.6三甘醇循环泵 15
2.8节能 15
2.8.1 系统能耗 15
2.8.2节能措施 16
第3章 工艺设计计算 17
3.1吸收塔的物料衡算 17
3.1.1气体流量计算 17
3.1.2气相物性数据计算 17
3.1.3液相物性数据计算 18
3.1.4吸收剂MEDA溶液用量的计算 18
3.2吸收塔的热量衡算 19
3.2.1设计条件 19
3.2.2热量衡算 20
第3章 设备设计与选型 22
4.1填料的选择 22
4.2 塔径的计算 22
4.3 填料层高度计算 23
4.4筒体壁厚选择 23
4.5封头选择 23
4.6填料层压降的计算 23
4.7填料塔附件的设计 24
4.7.1液体分布装置 24
4.7.2填料支承装置 24
4.7.3液体再分布装置 24
4.8接管的计算 25
4.8.1塔底气体进料口接管 25
4.8.2塔底液体出口管 25
4.8.3塔顶液体进料口管 25
4.8.4塔顶气体出口管 26
4.8.5测压测温管 26
4.8.6排污管 26
4.9 支座选取 27
总 结 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 30