本工程为江苏中仪自动化仪表有限公司办公楼工程,采用框架结构,主体为五层,本地区抗震设防烈度为7度,场地类别为Ⅱ类场地。基本风压0.35kN/m2,基本雪压0.30 kN/m2。楼﹑屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构。
关键词 办公楼设计,框架结构,建筑设计,结构设计
This works for Jiangsu zhongyi robticized meter limited company office building design, a framework structure for a five-storey main, in the region earthquake intensity of 7 degrees, Lan site classification as Class II venues. The basic Pressure 0.35 KN / M, basic snow pressure 0.30KN/M. Floor roof were using cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure.
The design mainly includes two parts: building design and structural design. Builing design: plane design, facade design, profile planning; Structural design: structural electrotype, the definition of beam, column, wall and so on, gravity loading count lateral flow count, longitudinal earthquake effect count, the frame construction of internal force by the force of lateral level action, the internal force analyses of transverse direction′s frame by level earthquake effect, the internal force analyses of transverse direction′s frame by the vertical load effect, internal force combination, section design, foundation design, pkpm count.
Keywords office building design, frame structure, architectural design, construction design
目 录
1.引 言 1
2.建筑设计说明 2
2.1 建筑概况 2
2.2 建筑平面设计 2
2.3 建筑体型和立面的设计 5
2.4 建筑剖面设计 6
2.5 建筑构造设计 7
2.6 其它设计 9
3 结构设计说明 9
3.1 结构体系选择 9
3.2 构件初估 10
3.3 基本假定与计算简图 10
3.4 荷载计算 10
3.5 内力计算及组合 10
3.6 基础设计 11
3.7 施工材料 12
3.8 施工要求及其他设计说明 12
4 设计计算书 12
4.1 初步设计资料 12
4.2 梁、柱截面尺寸的初选及结构布置 13
4.3 确定框架结构的计算简图 15
4.4 重力荷载代表值的计算 16
4.5 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 20
4.6 水平地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 38
4.7 框架的荷载效应组合 50
4.8 框架梁截面设计及配筋计算 56
4.9 框架柱截面设计计算 61
4.10楼面板的内力和配筋计算 66
4.11框架结构楼梯设计 74
4.12 基础设计 80
5.PKPM计算书 87
结 论 127
致 谢 128
参考文献 129