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摘要 温湿度和气压是环境中重要的物理参数,人类的生存和社会活动与温湿度、气压密切相关。在生产和生活中的许多场合,不论是仓库管理、图书保存,还是工业生产、居民生活,都对环境中的温湿度、气压有一定的要求,在某些行业中对温湿度、气压的要求。因此,对环境中温湿度、气压的检测和控制显得尤为重要,温湿度、气压的检测在很多现代科技领域中成为一项重要技术并且随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对自己的生存环境越来越关注,而温湿度、气压的变化与人体的舒适度和情绪有直接的影响,所以对温度、湿度、气压的检测就非常有必要了。

环境测试仪的设计采用智能化的测量方法实现对温度、湿度、气压的检测。该系统以STC89C52单片机作为主控芯片,采用了具有精度高、成本低、体积小、接口简单等优点的DHT11温湿度传感器实现温度与湿度的检测,气压传感器MPX4115实现气压的检测,采用点阵字符型 LCD显示温湿度字母、数字。



关键词STC89C52单片机  传感器  温湿度  气压

Abstract The humiture and atmospheric pressure are important physics parameters of environment, human being's survival and public activities go hand in hand with the parameters. many situations that are in the production and the life, not only warehouse management, preservation of books, but also industrial production, residents life, all have certain request to the humiture and the atmospheric pressure  of the environment, some professions have higher requirements. Thereforeit appears very important to examination and control the humiture and the atmospheric pressure of the environment, and humiture-atmospheric pressure detecting becomes an important technology in many modern science and technology fields.

The humiture and atmospheric pressure double parameters of the intelligent design test method for measuring temperature, humidity detection. This system to STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the main control chip, have used the high precision, low cost, small volume, simple interface of the advantages of DHT11 temperature ,humidity sensor and MPX4115 realize temperature and humidity test, The dot matrix characters type LED display temperature and humidity letters, Numbers.

That instrument structure is simple, and can satisfy the request of range and accuracy of the humiture and atmospheric pressure checks in various environments.


KeywordsSTC89C52 microcontroller  Sensor  Humiture  atmospheric pressure


1  绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 体感温度计发展过程 2

1.3 体感温度计发展前景 3

2  体感温度计的工作原理及主要器件介绍 4

2.1整体设计思路 4

2.2 单片机STC89C52 5

2.2.1 单片机STC89C52简介 5

2.2.2 单片机STC89C52主要特点 5

2.2.3 单片机STC89C52工作模式 7

2.2.4 单片机STC89C52端口介绍 8

2.3 温湿度传感器DHT11 10

2.3.1 温湿度传感器DHT11介绍 10

2.3.2 温湿度传感器DHT11特点及应用领域 10

2.3.3 温湿度传感器DHT11工作原理 11

2.4 气压传感器MPX4115 14

2.5  I2C总线定义 15

3  系统硬件的设计 17

3.1温湿度传感器DHT11电路 17

3.2气压传感器MPX4115 18

3.3 LCD显示 18

3.4复位电路部分 21

3.5时钟电路部分 22

3.6超限处理电路 25

3.7键盘电路 26


4  系统软件设计 27

4.1 体感温度计所支持的功能 27

4.2 体感温度计的工作流程 27

4.3 C语言开发的优势 30

5  系统调试与运行 31

5.1 proteus软件介绍 31

5.2 proteus电路功能仿真 33

5.3 proteus对本设计的部分仿真 34

结论 35

致谢 36

参考文献 37

附录 38


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