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结论 34

参考文献 35

致谢 38

附录1:文献综述 39

附录2:开题报告 45

附录3:外文翻译 50




其次,对机器人研制目标进行了分析,讨论确定了助行机器人样机的总体设计方案。从整体上对机器人机械设计的特点和局部结构相关元件的选择进行研究。根据作业环境的要求、负载能力,利用现代机械设计方法,通过比较各种传动方式的优缺点,由助行机器人的底盘机构设计出发,按从下到上的顺序相对独立地利用Pro/E 设计了助行机器人的机构,最后经过分析,设计出实际样机。





The intelligent assistant robot mainly aims at helping the aged and the disabled who are weak-eyed, blind, or have difficulty walking, and itsmain target is to assist in walking for those people during their daily lifeand work time. The assistant robot can not only be widely used inhospitals and nursing home, but also can be used for the rehabilitationequipment for the aged and disabled. The thesis does research on thedisadvantages of the assistant robot at home and abroad at present, which is usually overweighted, with low carrying capacity, unable to walk in both indoor and outside environment, and expensive in auxiliary navigation system. A conveniently portable prototype for assistant robot is designed which can be used in both inside and outside environment, its mainly content includes mechanism design and kinematics analysis.

Firstly, the thesis reviews and summarizes the research history and development status of assistant robot, and does analysis and comparison mainly on assistant robot at home and abroad. Secondly, the research target of assistant robot is analyzed, and the overall design scheme of prototype is discussed and confirmed. The features of mechanism design of robot and the choice on components of modules are researched as a whole. According to the requirements of work environment, carrying capacity, Using Modern mechanical design method and making comparison on advantages and disadvantages of variable transmission methods, the mechanism of assistant robot is designed by Pro/E, and the design of robot is started from the chassis mechanism which is from the bottom up independently.

Thirdly, the kinematics model of the robot on the flat surface is established, and the conditions to realize 3 forms of motion are discussed under the model. Also, the effect of gear transmission on kinematics model is discussed and the measures to improve motion precision are made.

KeywordsAssistant robot, Mechanism design, Kinematics analysis.



摘要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 国外助行机器人的研究 1

1.2.1 爱尔兰PAM-AID 助行机器人 1

1.2.2 美国SmartCane 助行机器人 2

1.2.3 韩国WAR 助行机器人 3

1.2.4 日本助行机器人 4

1.2.5 可穿戴的外骨骼式助行机器人 4

1.3 国内助行机器人的研究 5

1.3.1 多功能助行机器人 5

2 助行机器人的总体设计方案 8

2.1助行机器人研制目标 8

2.1.1适用环境分析 8

2.1.2使用人群分析 8

2.1.3运行速度 9

2.1.4工作时间和自重 9

2.2助行机器人的总体方案设计 9

2.2.1基本方案 9

2.2.2助行机器人的基本技术参数确定 10

2.2.3机构设计分析 11

2.2.4 驱动方式的选择 12

2.2.5 助行机器人的材料选择 13

2.2.6 助行机器人的整体控制方案 14

2.3. 现有的助行机器人的优缺点分析 15

2.4. 助行机器人的设计方案 16

2.5. 本章小结 17

3 助行机器人各组成部分结构设计 18

3.1助行机器人的机构模块确定 19

3.2. 驱动元件和传动元件的选择 20

3.2.1 驱动元件的选择 20

3.2.2 传动元件的选择 21

3.3. 底盘模块的机构设计 24

3.3.1 底盘模块的相关计算与电机选择 24 驱动轮的选择 24 非驱动轮的选择 24 电机驱动单元的选择 24

3.3.2 样机重要零部件设计 26、链轮链条传动 26、固定心轴的设计 27 悬臂梁的设计 28

3.3.3 伞齿轮设计 29

3.3.4 驱动轮模块设计 29

3.3.5 非驱动轮模块 30

3.4. 辅助升降机构 30

3.4.1 确定设计方案 30

3.4.2 丝杠螺母选择 31

3.4.3 电机及减速器等的选择 32、功率计算和电机选择 32、联轴器的选用 32

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