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Electric power steering system based on single chip microcomputer control system design


The auto industry is becoming one of the most important industries in ChinaThe direction of its development should be saveenvironmentalfriendly and energy-savingCompare to the bighighenergy consuming and unintelligent hydraulic power steering(HPS)systemelectrical power steering(EPS)system is more competitive with the advantages of smaller more efficientsimple assembling and more intelligentThe thesis analysed the charactors of the EPS system and designed 2 important parts in the systemsignal processing and adjusting circuit for non-contact torque sensor and electrical control unit(ECU)

The non-contact torque sensor’s main function is to transform the torque into VoltagesignalAfter the analysis of the mechanical partthe signal processing circuit was madeConsidering the circuit should match the mechanical part with both deviationsan adjusting circuit based on PICl6F676 microcontrol unit(MCU)was designed to adjust the circuit automaticlyAlsothe software for this circuit was finished

The ECUwhich is designed for signal inputmotor control and system controlis the core of EPSAn ECU based on PIC16F877A MCU was made with the following

functionsfirstdeal with(e.g.filter)the output of the sensor’s(e.g.torque sensor) using

hardware and send them to MCUthenthe MCU decide t0 use which power assisting

rule and how much the assisting force should be after computation and analysisfinallyPWM generated by the MCU drive H-bridge circuit to control the permanent magnet DC motor using fuzzy self-turning PID control algorithmAfter the hardware designthe

software part was finished according to the modularize ideaThese modules are main functionsignal collecting partmotor control part and fault diagnosis part

After the design parta non-contact torque sensor test and an EPS system test concluding noncontact torque sensor and ECU was madeThe results showed that the

Both part is up to the EPS standard with rapid responding and stability.           

Key wordsElectrical Power Steering(EPS)Non-contact Torque SensorAdjusting

CircuitElectrical Control Unit(ECU)


1 绪论 1

1.1电动助力转向系统 1

1.2 课题研究的意义 3

1.3 设计的目的 3

1.4 本文研究的主要内容 4

2 电动助力转向系统的简介 5

2.1 EPS系统工作原理及结构组成 5

2.1.1 助力电机 5

2.1.2 电磁离合器 6

2.1.3 减速机构 6

2.1.4 双行星齿轮减速机构 7

2.1.5 涡轮蜗杆式减速机构 8

2.1.6 车速传感器 9

2.1.7 扭矩传感器 10

2.1.8 电子控制单元 10

2.2 助力特性曲线的建立 11

3 EPS系统硬件设计 13

3.1 EPS系统硬件电路结构及系统框图 13

3.2 硬件电路绘制软件Protues简介 13

3.3 车速信号处理电路 14

3.4 扭矩信号处理电路 15

3.5 电源电路 16

3.6 电磁离合器控制电路 17

3.7 电机驱动电路 17

3.8 电机电流信号采集电路 18

3.9控制系统硬件电路总图 19

3.10 控制系统硬件电路仿真简图 20

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