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Logistics distribution is an important link in the existing logistics network of logistics enterprises. A good logistics distribution plays an important role in regulating and connecting the whole logistics process. Transportation control as a whole makes logistics company's logistics transportation activities more efficient, logistics transportation costs lower, overall performance level improved. The ultimate goal is to optimize the cost of logistics distribution. There are many definitions of logistics distribution cost in the world. As the name implies, distribution cost is actually a part of logistics cost, which occurs in the logistics distribution link. Distribution refers to the goods from the warehouse Displacement changes resulting from moving to the demand point. Distribution costs include all labor costs involved in transportation, material consumption, cargo handling costs, vehicle fuel costs, equipment maintenance costs, equipment depreciation costs, and so on.


This research mainly aims at the problems existing in the logistics distribution of Pan's supermarket, combines the relevant theory knowledge and the research literature, carries on the detailed analysis to the Pan's supermarket's logistics distribution, and provides the corresponding improvement countermeasure. The focus of the study is to sort out, summarize and think about the relevant research documents; to analyze the current situation of Panshi supermarket logistics distribution; to summarize the factors that affect the selection of chain supermarket logistics distribution mode. The method of actual case analysis is used to carry on the practical research, and the improvement of the backwardness of logistics distribution in our country at the present stage.


Key words: chain supermarket; logistics distribution pattern; distribution optimization





Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2 研究的目的与意义 1

1.3 本文研究内容 2

1.3.1对连锁超市研究的相关内容 2

1.3.2 对物流配送模式的研究的相关内容 2

1.3.3 对连锁超市配送模式的研究的相关内容 2

1.4 对连锁超市物流配送的方法研究 3

1.5本文写作思路以及研究过程 3

第二章 连锁超市及物流配送相关概念 4

2.1连锁的概念 4

2.2连锁超市的概念 4

2.3物流配送相关概念 5

2.3.1物流的定义 5

2.3.2 配送的定义 5

2.3.3 配送模式的分类 6

2.4连锁超市配送的特点 6

2.5 配送中心相关概念 7

第三章 国外连锁超市物流配送发展现状研究 8

3.1国外连锁超市物流配送的现状 8

3.1.1 国外连锁超市整体发展现状 8

3.1.2美国沃尔玛超市现状分析 11

第四章国内一些大型商业连锁超市的现状分析与研究 13

4.1供应商直接配送模式的分析与改进 13

4.1.1供应商直接配送模式的产生背景 13

4.1.2供应商直接配送模式的分析 13

4.1.3供应商直接配送模式的改进 14

4.2自营配送模式的分析与改进 15

4.2.1自营配送模式的产生背景 15

4.2.2自营配送模式分析 16

4.2.3自营配送模式改进 17

4.3第三方物流配送模式的分析与改进 19

4.3.1第三方物流的概念 19

4.3.2第三方物流配送的产生背景 19

4.3.3第三方物流配送的分析 19

4.3.4第三方物流成本研究 21

4.3.5第三方物流配送的改进 22

第五章 潘氏为案例分析与研究物流配送 24

5.1 公司简介 24

5.2公司现阶段物流配送分析 24

5.2.1配送模式的选择 25

5.2.2 配送中心的建立与选取 26

5.2.3 配送范围问题的分析研究 27

5.2.4 配送中心的科技自动化建设 28

5.2.5 物流配送的信息化 28

5.2.6 提升物流配送能力 30


参考文献 34

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