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In recent years, the demand for soda has increased rapidly. The Chinese soda enterprises mostly use the combined alkali process to produce the soda, which is a by-product of ammonium chloride for every 1 ton of soda soda produced by the combined alkali production process. However, the total annual consumption of ammonium chloride worldwide is not high, and its production is mainly concentrated in China.

In this paper, the key technology of chlorination to produce ammonia and hydrogen chloride gas by chlorination is studied. The decomposition and chlorination of organic amine by organic amine medium is studied systematically. Four kinds of organic amines were used to study the process of chlorination releasing ammonia according to decomposition and organic amine hydrochloride decomposing and releasing hydrogen chloride respectively.

In the process of decomposing chlorination with organic amine medium according to ammonia release, the reaction temperature and reaction time of four organic amines, namely, trihexylamine, triethylhexyl) amine, trioctylamine and lauryl amine, were studied. Compared with other organic amines, the reaction time of trihexylamine was shorter than that of other organic amines, such as the molar ratio of organic solvents to chlorination, the molar ratio of organic amines to chlorination, the flow rate of nitrogen and so on, and compared with other organic amines, the reaction time of trihexylamine was shorter than that of other organic amines. The higher yield of ammonia gas is, the yield of ammonia gas can reach 97.5%.

In the process of decomposition and release of hydrogen chloride from organic amine hydrochloride, the influence factors such as trihexylamine hydrochloride, trihexylamine hydrochloride, reaction time, nonpolar organic solvent, nitrogen flow rate and so on were investigated. It is found that the decomposition reaction of organic amine hydrochloride with trihexylamine hydrochloride has the advantages of the shortest reaction time, less non-polar organic solvent and nitrogen flow rate, and higher yield of hydrogen chloride. The yield of hydrogen chloride can reach 94.65%.


Keywords: organic amine method; chlorination hinge; thermal decomposition; trihexylamine



1.  绪论 1

1. 1 研究背景 1

1. 2 氯化铵分离回收技术 2

1. 2. 1 电化学方法 2

1. 2. 2  催化分解法 3

1. 2. 3  无机酸盐法 3

1. 2. 4  金属氧化物法 5

1. 2. 5  有机胺 7

1. 3  选题依据和主要内容 7

2  实验部分 8

2. 1  实验原料和试剂 8

2. 2  实验装置和操作步骤 8

2. 2. 1  实验装置 8

2. 2. 2 回收氨气操作步骤 10

2. 2. 3  异丙醇蒸馏装置 10

2. 2. 4 回收氯化氢操作步骤 10

2.3  分析方法确定 10

2. 3. 1  分析原理 10

2. 3. 2  分析仪器 11

2. 3. 3  分析操作步骤 11

2. 3. 4  分析数据的处理 11

2.4有机胺法分解氯化铵实验可行性研究 12

2. 4. 1 氨气初步回收率 12

2. 4. 2氯化氢气体初步回收率 12

2. 4. 3 实验循环可行性研究 12

2. 5  有机胺法分解氯化铵制备氨气的工艺考察 16

2. 5. 1 温度对反应的影响 16

2. 5. 2  三辛胺与氯化铵的摩尔比对反应的影响 17

2. 5. 3  异丙醇与三辛胺摩尔比对反应的影响 17

2. 5. 4 氮气流量对反应的影响 18

2. 5. 5  反应时间对反应的影响 19




1.氮气钢瓶 2.缓冲瓶 3.转子流量计 4.油浴锅 5.水银温度计 6.填料柱

                      7.二口连接管 8.注射器 9.球形冷凝管 10.吸收瓶

3 氯化铵分解回收氯化氢装置图

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