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摘 要


As a result of modern enterprise's many environmental factor, enterprise when processing with exterior customer relations, more and more felt to does not have the information technology support the customer relations management to lack the ability to do what one would like, on the net the customer management system management system arises at the historic moment. Customer management system management system to enterprise service flow reorganization conformity user information resources, in order to the effective method manages the customer relations, in enterprise interior realization information and resources sharing. The customer management system management system by helps the enterprise in the system design the manager personnel management department to enhance the working efficiency, the realization enterprise customer information management as well as the management systematization, the standardization and automatically changes into the final goal. Therefore, the use network management, causes the enterprise to enhance the efficiency, to develop the market and the retention customer three aspects improves greatly, regarding the promotion competition superiority, has the significant significance.
This article introduced the customer management system management system realization method. The goal lies in lets everybody sharing study and utilize this language the experience and the harvest. This system is Internet/Under Intranet environment to electronic commerce customer relations management, through business management technology, electronic commerce and information technology high integration,Discussed the customer management system management system system skeleton, the system work way and the database design significance. Through the database, the data pool, the ASP code, carries on to the customer management system management system realization, and carries on the forecast to the customer management system management system development. The help enterprise in the whole world economic integration intense market competition environment, establishes take the market, the customer as the central management system, effectively manages between the enterprise and the customer relations, enhances the customer loyalty, the realization customer value maximization. Thus enhances the enterprise the core competitive power.
Key word: The customer relations management, CRM, ASP, the database, the management system management system, B/S structure

目 录
摘 要. II
Abstract III
前 言. 2
1.1 背景. 2
1.2  技术要求. 3
第一章 绪 论. 5
第二章  系统的设计目标. 7
第三章  系统设计相关原理. 9
3.1 ASP技术介绍. 9
3.2 SQL语句介绍. 15
3.3 VBScript介绍. 19
3.4适应Internet时代需求的B/S体系架构. 21
第四章  系统总体设计. 24
4.1基本简介. 24
4.2 系统结构图. 25
4.3 详细设计. 25
第五章 系统实现. 32
5.1 用户登录界面图. 32
5.2资料查询界面图. 33
5.3 基本资料界面图. 34
5.4  权限设置管理界面图. 35
5.5 系统日志界面图. 35
结束语. 37
致 谢. 39
参考文献. 40
前 言
1.1 背景
Internet是目前世界上最大的计算机互联网络,它遍布全球,将世界各地各种规模的网络连接成一个整体。作为Internet上一种先进的,易于被人们所接受的信息检索手段,World Wide Web(简称WWW)发展十分迅速,成为目前世界上最大的信息资源宝库。据估计,目前Internet上已有上百万个Web站点,其内容范围跨越了教育科研、文化事业、金融、商业、新闻出版、娱乐、体育等各个领域,其用户群十分庞大,因此,建设一个好的Web站点对于一个机构的发展十分重要。近年来,随着网络用户要求的不断提高及计算机科学的迅速发展,特别是数据库技术在Internet中的广泛应用,Web站点向用户提供的服务将越来越丰富,越来越人性化。
要实现这样的功能,离不开后台数据库的支持。用户验证信息,收集到的用户点击信息,主题层次信息,分析得出的关联规则表等大量的数据都由数据库管理系统管理。本文中数据库服务器端采用了Microsoft Access数据库作为ODBC(Open DataBase Connectivity )数据源,并以先进的ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)技术进行数据库存取等操作,使Web与数据库紧密联系起来。
1.2  技术要求
我们已经提到,用户个性化页面是在用户登陆后浏览网页的过程中由服务器即时生成再返回给用户浏览器的,它事先并不存在于服务器。显然单纯的HTML无法提供这种页面,必须使用具有运算功能的Web技术来实现。在比较了现今几种动态页面开发技术后,我们选择了比较成熟和先进的WinNT+IIS+ASP技术。它提供了强大的Web Computing功能和数据库操作功能(这将在第3部分详细介绍)。

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