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                     作者:KIRK SHAWN RHOADES
摘 要

                     图1   单筒减振器的组成


图2 压缩行程流通图

既然在任何汽车或赛车中的减振器活塞速度一直处于不断变化的状态,这就很难定义和解释减振器的工作情况。为了评估减振器的工作状况,在减振器测力计上测试成为一种规范。这项研究中使用的减振器测力计是一个Roehrig 2VS。这种减振器测力计是施加一个按正弦规律变化的位移。位移的振幅和频率是给定的。位移的一阶导数和二阶导数分别是速度和加速度。

                       图4 全过程力-速度特性

                    图5 与F-V图相应的减振器活塞位移-时间关系

图6 与F-V图相应的减振器活塞速度-时间关系

图7 全过程力-位移特性
这项研究中所使用的减振器是Tanne赛车产品中的一个Tanner外部可调减振器Gen 2。它是一个充气的单筒构造,里面有一个浮动活塞将气室和油腔分割开来。Tanner Gen 2的最初用途是四分之一微型车竞赛中,但是它的尺寸,价格和可用的阻尼力范围使其也可以应用在学生型方程式赛车中。Tanner Gen 2质量轻,价格相对便宜,并且可以通过内部调节取得理想的阻尼力。图8显示了一个Tanner Gen 2减振器的三维模型。

 图8   Tanner Gen 2减振器


        图9   Tanner Gen 2铝质活塞

图10 Tanner Racing G2的一套碳纤维阀片组
    Tanner 赛车上的一套阀片组包含碳纤维阀片。这些阀片拥有与钢几乎相同的弹性模量和泊松比,但是它们的质量要轻得多。阀片有孔的位置与活塞上可以用来在压缩行程与复原行程中开通一条液流通路的孔是一致的。例如,如果两孔阀片被用在活塞压缩面而三孔阀片被用在活塞复原面,只要没有公用孔,复原行程中将会存在两个单独的液流通路而压缩行程中将会存在三条单独的液流通路。阀片的排列可以为Tanner Gen 2减振器创造无穷的可能。另外也可以利用不同厚度或不同材质的阀片来得到想要的阻尼特性。
减振器油液用的是Tanner Tuned振动油。这种油液的属性是未知的,所以典型的5W油将被用在模型上,其密度和粘度最为重要。

               A Thesis by  KIRK SHAWN RHOADES

     This thesis describes the implementation of a parametric model of an automotive damper.  The goal of this research was to create a damper model to predict accurately damping forces to be used as a design tool for the Formula SAE racecar team.  This study pertains to monotube gas charged dampers appropriate to Formula SAE racecar applications.  
     The model accounts for each individual flow path in the damper, and employs a flow resistance model for each flow path.  The deflection of the shim stack was calculated from a force balance and linked to the flow resistance.  These equations yield a system of nonlinear equations that was solved using Newton’s iterative method.  
     The goal of this model was to create accurately force vs. velocity and force vs. displacement plots for examination.  A shock dynamometer was used to correlate the model to real damper data for verification of accuracy.  With a working model, components including the bleed orifice, piston orifice, and compression and rebound shims which were varied to gain an understanding of effects on the damping force.  

The first step in understanding the operation of a damper is to understand how he components interact to create the damper force.  A brief discussion of damper components and functionality is given in this section.  The characteristics of damper are usually presented graphically in Force vs. Velocity and Force vs. Displacement graphs.  A detailed description of these graphs is contained in this section.  
There are many types of automotive suspension dampers, which are commonly referred to as shock absorbers.  This is a misnomer because the damper does not actually absorb the shock.  That is the function of the suspension springs.  As is well known, a spring/mass system without energy dissipation exhibits perpetual harmonic motion with he spring and the mass exchanging potential and kinetic energy, respectively.  For the purpose of this paper, the term damper will be used.  The function of the damper is to remove the kinetic energy from the system and to convert it into thermal energy.
There are numerous configurations of dampers: twin tube, monotube with or without reservoir, and even a rod through damper type.  For the purpose of this thesis, a monotube damper without a separate reservoir will be examined.  
Another major distinction in damper types is the feature of external adjustability, .e. if the damping can be adjusted after the damper is assembled.  Automotive applications generally use a nonadjustable damper.  In contrast, many dampers for racing applications have some degree of adjustability.  Since the main focus of this research is to aid in racecar suspension design, the monotube damper chosen has adjustable damping.  

      Figure 1 displays the major components of a monotube style, externally adjustable damper.  The damper is comprised of a piston assembly that moves inside a fluid filled cylinder.  The outer housing of the damper contains all internal components. A fully assembled damper is partitioned into three pressure chambers: gas, rebound and compression.  The gas chamber is separated from the compression chamber by a floating piston. This floating piston separates the gas in the gas chamber from the fluid, typically oil, in the compression and rebound chambers.  The gas used for most damper applications is dry nitrogen because it does not react with oil.  It is relatively insensitive to temperature and contains no water vapor.  
      The compression chamber is the volume between the floating gas piston and the piston attached to the rod.  The rebound chamber is the volume on the rod side of the piston.  The compression and rebound chambers are completely filled with oil, typically 5W weight oil designed for this application.  
      The piston is connected to the piston rod which exits the housing through a rod seal that retains the oil.  The rod seal also prevents dirt and other contaminates from entering the rebound chamber and affecting internal flow of oil.  The piston also has a seal between its outer diameter and the inner diameter of the outer housing.   This seal separates the compression and rebound chambers.  
      The spherical bearings shown in Figure 1 are for mounting the damper to the vehicle.  They allow for some degree of misalignment in mounting without imposing bending loads on the damper.  For racing applications, the piston rod of the damper is usually mounted to the wheel suspension, while the cylinder side is connected to the frame of the vehicle in order to minimize the unsprung weight.  
      There are two modes of operation in a damper: compression and rebound.  Each of these modes will be examined individually.  The compression operation mode is shown in Figure 2.  
  During the compression stroke, fluid flows from the compression chamber into the rebound chamber.  Since the oil is effectively incompressible, as the piston rod enters the rebound chamber the sum of the volumes of the oil and the rod in the rebound and compression chambers must increase.  To accommodate this volume increase, the gas piston compresses the nitrogen in the gas chamber to decrease the gas volume by an amount equal to the volume of the inserted rod.  Monotube dampers also have the advantage of pressurizing the gas chamber to maintain an elevated pressure on the oil, which helps prevent oil cavitation.  Model analysis has shown only a four to ten psi change in the gas chamber pressure for one inch of piston rod displacement, depending on initial gas pressure value.  This small pressure change means an almost uniform pressure exerted on the hydraulic oil in the compression chamber.  The pressure in the gas chamber is denoted Pg.
  A gas spring effect is also present due the pressure in the gas chamber. A force equal to the area of the rod times the gas pressure, Pg, will be on the rod at all times. Gas spring effect is independent of piston velocity, but strongly dependant on displacement and very weakly dependant on acceleration.  The gas spring force increases during the compression stroke.
  Total flow during compression is comprised of flow through three flow paths. These flows are related to the pressure differences in the pressure chambers.  Pressure in the rebound chamber is denoted as Pr and pressure in the compression chamber is denoted Pc. During compression Pc is greater than Pr; this pressure difference drives the flow from the compression chamber to the rebound chamber and generates the damping force.  Flow paths and chamber pressures are shown in Figure 2 and explained below.  
  The first path is the flow through the bleed orifice. The bleed orifice flow path begins at the end of the piston rod in the compression chamber and ends out of the side of the piston rod in the rebound chamber.  The bleed orifice size can be adjusted by moving the needle valve inside the piston rod in Figure 2.  The needle valve is adjusted in or out using the bleed adjustment shown in Figure 1.  The bleed flow orifice can be adjusted from fully open for less damping to fully closed for increased damping.  Modifications to the geometry of the needle value or size of the bleed orifice can change the bleed orifice flow also.  The bleed orifice dominates the low speed damping because this orifice is always open, regardless of piston velocity.  
  The second flow path is the valve orifice flow path.  Valve orifice flow travels through constant diameter holes in the piston and past thin washer-like shims that deflect to allow flow.  Valve flow is controlled by the compression shim or shims.  For simplicity, only one shim is shown in Figure 2.  The flow into the compression valve travels through a hole in the rebound shim.  This hole in the rebound shim eliminates the need to machine a flow path in the piston and is a simple way of allowing valve flow and decreasing complexity of piston manufacture.  
  Increased velocity decreases the pressure in the rebound chamber and increases the flow rate.  The pressure differential also triggers shim.  The compression shim, located in the rebound chamber, limits the area for flow depending on the velocity of the piston.  With increased velocity, shim deflection increases and valve flow area increases.  Pv is defined as pressure inside the exit of the orifice in the piston.  
  The third flow path is the leakage flow around the piston-cylinder wall seal. Leakage flow is at least an order of magnitude less then other two flows, but is difficult to eliminate completely.  With prolonged usage the seal may degrade, increase the leakage flow, and lessen the damping force from the damper.  The piston cylinder seal should be replaced periodically so that the leakage flow does not become significant in comparison to the other flow paths.  
  Rebound operation is shown in Figure 3.  During the rebound stroke, the piston rod is being withdrawn from the fluid filled cylinder, causing flow from the rebound to the compression chamber.  The combined volume of oil plus the rod in the compression and rebound chambers is now decreasing due to the removal of the rod, and the gas in the gas chamber expands.  
  The flow in rebound is from the rebound chamber to the compression chamber. All the valve, bleed, and leakage flow paths discussed previously still exist, only their directions have reversed.  
  The bleed orifice flow now begins at the side inlet hole in the piston rod, and exits out the end of the piston rod into the compression chamber.  All the properties of low speed damping dominated by the bleed are retained in the transition from compression to rebound.  
  The valve orifice flow path is conceptually the same as for compression, only the specific orifice is different.  During rebound the pressure relationships arePr>Pv>Pc . The valve flow now travels through the appropriate hole in the compression shim and initiates the deflection of the rebound shim in the compression chamber.  As before, an increase in rebound velocity will result in increased shim deflection and valve flow area.  
  The leakage flow is of the same magnitude and travels through the same axisymmetric gap between the piston seal and the outer cylinder.  Only the direction in rebound is opposite of that in compression.  
  After examination of the rebound and compression stroke, it can be seen that physical operation of the damper is complex.  Dampers are displacement, velocity and acceleration dependant.  The equations relating pressures, shims deflections, flows, etc. will be the basis for modeling the behavior of a damper.  

  Since the position and velocity of a damper in any automotive or racing application is in constant state of change, it is hard to define and interpret damper performance.  To evaluate the performance of a damper, testing on a damper dynamometer has become the norm.  The damper dynamometer used in this research is a Roehrig 2VS.  This damper dynamometer imposes a sinusoidal input for displacement.  The displacement is defined by specifying the amplitude and the frequency.  The first and second derivatives of the displacement are the velocity and acceleration, respectively.  
The primary means used to characterize damper performance is the Force vs. Velocity (FV) plot.  Figures 4 through 6 show the basic FV plot and the corresponding motion profiles.  
  Figure 4 shows a Force vs. Velocity plot for a full cycle, compression and rebound strokes.  This is sometimes referred to as a Continuous Velocity Plot (CVP).  It is important to note the sign conventions for force and velocity.  Compression results in negative velocities, while rebound, increasing length, results in positive velocities.  In some instances [1], the velocity definitions may be opposite.  The convention shown here is used by the Roehrig test dynamometer, and will be used throughout this report. 
  The convention for forces is to record the force produced by the damper.  Rebound forces are negative while compression forces are positive.  There are small regions near zero velocities where this is not true.  This is due to the hysteretic effects of the damper.  The hysteresis shown in Figure 4 is the difference in the force at a given speed when the speed is increasing and when the speed is decreasing.  In other words, the damper produces a different force when it is speeding up than when it is slowing down.  The term hysteresis is commonly used to refer to this effect and will be used throughout this paper for the difference in forces in the FV plots.  However this effect is not the classical hysteresis defined in the scientific literature.  The cause of this phenomenon will be examined in the Literature Review section.  
  Figures 4-6 also have labeled points numbered one through four.  These are key points in the motion of the damper.  Point one is the beginning of the cycle.  The damper is at full extension and has zero starting velocity.  From point one to two the damper begins the compression stroke with increasing speed.  At point 2, the maximum negative velocity is achieved.  This usually corresponds to the peak force of the compression stroke.  The displacement is zero, which means half of the full stroke has been compressed into the damper.  From point two to three, the speed begins to decrease.  Point three represents the end of the compression stroke.  The displacement is at the full negative value, which means that the damper is fully compressed.  The speed has returned to zero.  Immediately after that point three, the rebound stroke begins with the speed increasing again.  At point four, the peak force of the rebound stroke is achieved.  The displacement is again at a zero value, so the damper is at extended to half of the total rebound stroke.  The cycle then goes from point four back to point one.  The rebound continues with the speed of the piston decreasing.  At point one, the damper returns to full extension and to zero velocity.  
  All plots generally remove the gas spring force.  Therefore, the force is equal to zero at velocity equal to zero.  
  The other plot sometimes used to characterize damper performance is the Force vs. Displacement (FD) plot.  Figure 7 shows a typical FD plot.  This plot is a carryover from the efforts to characterize dampers when all mechanical equipment used measured and charted only Force vs. Displacement.  
  FD plots use the same force sign convention; positive for compression, negative for rebound.  For both compression and rebound, the forces in Figure 7 are not symmetric about the y-axis.  The same hysteresis shown in the FV plots is the cause of this asymmetry.  
  In an attempt to gain understanding, hysteresis can also be examined using a hypothetical ideal spring, a hypothetical ideal damper, and sinusoidal motion input.  A hypothetical linear spring will produce a straight line with slope K in an FD plot and an ellipse in and FV plot (see Appendix A).  A hypothetical linear damper will produce a straight line with slope C in an FV plot and an ellipse in an FD plot.  Hysteresis in an FV plot for an actual damper results when the damper produces spring-like forces.  

  A literature review was conducted with two major goals.  The first goal was to obtain a better understanding of how individual internal components and internal flows had been characterized in the past by studying the development of parametric models for damper characterization.  
  The second goal of the literature review was to gain an insight into the hysteretic behavior that occurs in characteristic FV plots.  Understanding the causes of this phenomena and how it can be minimized are of crucial importance in damper design. Both of these concepts will be addressed in the cited literature.  
   The damper used for this research is a Tanner Externally Adjustable Gen 2 from Tanner Racing Products.  It is a gas charged monotube configuration with a floating piston which separates the gas and oil chambers.  The primary use for the Tanner Gen 2 s in quarter midget car racing, but their size, price, and range of available damping force make them appropriate for Formula SAE racecars as well.  The Tanner Gen 2 is ightweight, relatively inexpensive, and can attain the desired damping forces with nterior modifications.  Figure 8 shows a three dimensional model of the Tanner Gen 2 damper.  
  The length at maximum extension of the damper is 10.33 inches from centers of the spherical mounting bearings.  The stroke of the damper is approx three inches.  Outer housing of the damper and end caps are made of aluminum, while the chromed rod is made of polished steel.  The end caps are threaded for removal which makes disassembly easy for tuning or rebuild purposes.  
  The design of the piston and the shims used for controlling the piston orifice flow allow these parts to be manufactured much less expensively than most other racing dampers. The piston is made of machined aluminum and contains six straight orifice flow holes. The piston is shown in Figure 9.  
  The piston flow orifices have diameters of .038” and the center hole for mounting the piston on the rod is 0.25” diameter.  The groove on the outer diameter of the cylinder is for the rubber seal between the piston and the cylinder wall.  This piston design is less complex than that of an Ohlins or Penske brand damper and this simple design is much less expensive to produce.  
  Depending on the desired damping levels, pistons are available with the flow orifice diameters from 0.14” (soft damping) to 0.038” (hard damping).  Without any shims, the six orifices allow flow in both compression and rebound.  A separate shim tuning kit is also available from Tanner racing products; it is shown in Figure 10.  

  The shims kit from Tanner Racing includes carbon fiber shims.  The shims have almost an identical modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio to that of steel, but are much lighter in weight.  The shims contain holes at locations corresponding to holes in the piston that can be used to create one way flow for compression or rebound.  For example, if a two hole shim is used for the compression side of the piston and a three hole shim for the rebound side of the piston, two one-way paths would exist for rebound and three paths would exist for compression as long as no holes are shared.  Also a combination of one way and two way flows can be created.  The arrangement of the shims can create numerous possibilities for tuning the Tanner Gen 2 damper.  It would also be possible to create shims of varying thicknesses or different materials to achieve
desired damping traits.  
  The threaded needle valve for adjusting the bleed orifice flow has 3.75 turns. The notation of zeros turns is analogous to a fully closed bleed orifice.  The larger the number of turns of adjustment, the more the bleed orifice is open.  This is a practical consideration since the fully closed position is easy to identify.  
  The damper fluid used was Tanner Tuned Shock Oil.  The properties were unknown for this oil, so typical 5W oil values were used for modeling purposes. Density and viscosity were of primary importance.  


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