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随着城镇人口居住的集中化加剧,传统人工住宅管理模式逐渐跟不上时代的潮流。这就要求我们提供一个通过数据库集成各种公共信息资源统一管理的管理系统来代替传统的文件管理,以提高物管的工作效率、为住户提供更好的服务。本系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为设计平台,C#语言结合Microsoft SQL Server2000进行数据库的创建和管理来实现,系统提供了业主的基本管理、智能化管理、费用管理、车位使用管理、相关信息的搜索等五大功能模块; 基本管理模块包括业主管理、业主登记、楼栋管理、楼栋登记、财产管理、迁出管理六个模块。智能化管理包括维修管理、公共管理、车位管理、车位使用、投诉管理、业主投诉、水电气费查询、物管费用查询八个模块。费用管理包括水电气费管理、水电气费登记、物管费用管理和物管费用登记四个模块。搜索管理包括业主相关搜索和高级搜索。系统管理包括权限管理、用户管理和修改密码三个模块。 本系统界面设计大方、简洁、实用,操作简单方便,是一款完全适合普通住宅物业日常事务管理的软件。
With the increased urban population, the traditional manual management area mode can not catch up with the trend of the times. This requires us to provide a unifyied management system by database to integrate a variety of public information resources to improve the efficiency of property management, in order to provide better services to tenants. The system uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as a design platform and C# language binding for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to realize database creation and management, the system provides five functional modules including the basic management of the owners, property management, cost management, use and management of parking spaces, the search for relevant information;basic management module include the owners management, owners register building management, building registration, property management, management of moveing out.Property management include maintenance management, public management, parking management,  for the use of parking spaces,complaint management, water and  electric charge inquiries, inquiries, property management fees in eight modules. Cost management, include management of water, electric charges, water, electric power costs to register.Property management cost management and property management fee to register.Search management include owner-related search and advanced search. System management include three modules such as rights management, user management and password to amend.the system interface design is generous, simple, practical, easy to operate, also is a software fully suitable for day-to-day affairs management of ordinary residential property.
Keywords: rsidential property management system; property management; owner
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