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山西农业大学信息学院毕业论文 (设计)开题报告

系部:  外国语言文学系            专业:   英语                  班级:  1302
Analyze The American Humor of The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory as the latest and most popular comedy is famous for its novel themes and humorous dialogue. Humor is an indispensable form of language expression in life. People usually use humorous words to achieve special communication purposes except for making a sense of humor. Many scholars at home and abroad have studied humor from different perspectives. This paper focuses on the research of humor dialogue through The Big Bang Theory, it not only can help English learners get the use for reference and practice in the practical English expression, also help them to better understand the role of humor.
Humor, as a kind of special language art, plays an important role in English culture. Humor is not only one of the important ways for people to relax, but also reflect the speaker's wisdom and personal charm from the side. In recent years, American situation comedy has been introduced into China in different ways, which has a great impact on our country. In this paper, through study on humor of The Big Bang Theory, people have a deeper understanding of humor, so as to correctly use in life or to bring some of their own interests.
《生活大爆炸》借助生活琐事, 以其轻松幽默的语言成为目前国内最受欢迎的一部情景喜剧。由此可见, 幽默风趣的语言表达形式发挥着重要作用。情景喜剧的会话表达在很大程度上决定了幽默的程度。
With the help of life, The Big Bang Theory has become the most popular situation comedy in the country with its easy and humorous language. This shows that humorous language expression forms play an important role in life. The conversational expression of the situation comedy determines the degree of humor to a great extent.
Zhang Yaoting discusses the application of the cooperative principle and its four maxims in daily communication in Humor Pragmatic Analysis in The Framework of The Cooperative Principle. It focuses on the analysis of conversational implicature and pragmatic meaning of humorous language. He points out that the principle of conversation is the highest principle in daily communication, and the humorous language is produced on the basis of the violation of cooperative principle. Therefore, it is more attractive and interesting to correctly violate the cooperative principle.           
In American humor -- a talk on the American situation comedy" The Big Bang Theory”, except for putting forward American humor characteristics and the comparison between Britain and America humor, Yu Hualu focus on the key role of life factors and grammatical factors to humor of American humorous characteristics. Life factors belong to the branch of the principle relationship, while grammatical factors belong to the category of the principle of way.   
In summary, many experts and scholars have in-depth study on the use of the principle of cooperation in the dialogue of The Big Bang Theory. Also analyze the dialogue of violating the four kinds of cooperative principles. They reach a consensus on one point that violating cooperative principle can play an important role in the creation of humor.
 1. 首先看完《生活大爆炸》一到四季完整中英字幕版;
2. 对其中的对白台词做记录,选择一些幽默的对白进行研究;
3. 查找一些相关研究表明幽默在生活中的重要作用;
4. 查阅文献及各种资料对比在违反合作原则下的产生的幽默效果;
5. 通过对比来显示美式幽默。
1. At first, reading complete the English subtitles of The Big Bang Theory from one to four.
2. Recording the dialogue and selecting some humorous dialogue for study.
3. Find some related studies that show the importance of humor in life.
4. Looking up literature and a variety of information contrast to the production of humorous effect under violating the principle of cooperation.
5. By contrast to show American humor.
Through extensive reading and research the HowNet and other related information, and watching the full version of The Big Bang Theory, can make people in-depth understand the importance of humor in life. So as to help English learners to better understand American culture and American humor.

  The research methods:
  1. the way of finding literature
  2. analysis of induction
  3.review method
1. Choosing the Topic: collecting information and selecting the topic before the end of October 2016
2. Paper Proposal: Oct. 28, 2016 – Nov. 10, 2016, writing paper proposal
3. Writing the first draft: March 1, 2017 – March 31, 2017, searching for information and writing the first draft of the thesis
4. Writing the second draft: April 11, 2017– April 30, 2017, writing the second draft
5. Writing the third draft: May 3, 2017 – May 10, 2017, revising the paper and completing the third draft
6. Finalizing the paper: May 15, 2017– May 25, 2017, finalizing the paper and applying for reply
7. Reply: I will write the outline of reply and prepare for it, following college’s arrangement.
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