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Software Development Concepts and Design Methodologies
During the 1960s, mainframes and higher level programming languages were applied to many problems including human resource systems, reservation systems, and manufacturing systems. Computers and software were seen as the cure all for many business issues were sometimes applied blindly. Systems sometimes failed to solve the problem for which they were designed for many reasons including:
•Inability to sufficiently understand complex problems
•Not sufficiently taking into account end-user needs, the organizational environment, and performance tradeoffs
•Inability to accurately estimate development time and operational costs
•Lack of framework for consistent and regular customer communications
At this time, the concept of structured programming, top-down design, stepwise refinementand modularity emerged. Structured programming is still the most dominant approach to software engineering and is still evolving. These failures led to the concept of "software engineering" based upon the idea that an engineering-like discipline could be applied to software design and development.
Software design is a process where the software designer applies techniques and principles to produce a conceptual model that describes and defines a solution to a problem. In the beginning, this design process has not been well structured and the model does not always accurately represent the problem of software development. However, design methodologies have been evolving to accommodate changes in technology coupled with our increased understanding of development processes.
Whereas early design methods addressed specific aspects of the development process, current methods attempt to address the entire scope of software development. Software design methods are often classified in reference to the period in which they were introduced and the problems at that time. Driven by coding and testing problems, tools and methods were developed. Early methods focused on modularity and top-down development, and information hiding through abstraction. This led to the development of structured languages, structured analysis, and data flow analysis.
In the last decade or so, the expense involved in automation has shifted from hardware to people. Therefore, the software engineering community has been focused on object oriented (O-O) design and the concept of re-usable code in order to reduce the human cost component. Inefficient designs and development methodologies have been addressed with Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools, and fourth generation design languages. This has been done in an attempt replace the traditional waterfall life cycle process model under which most existing software has been developed.
一、 Software Design Fundamentals
Software design methods all aim to provide the software designer with a system blueprint. This blueprint usually has three aspects: data, architectural, and procedural.
•Data design refers to the data's organization, relationships, access and processing methods.
•Architectural design defines the components of the system and their relationships.
•Procedural design builds on the data and architectural design phases to describe the processing details of the system.
Even though there are numerous design methodologies, their basic concepts are very similar-All software design methods partition the problem and software into smaller pieces in order to reduce complexity. They all strive to identify data structures and functions, and provide measurements for software quality. Some of the common principles in software design include: stepwise refinement, software architecture, program structure, data structure, software procedures, modularity, abstraction, and information hiding.
二、 Modern Design Methodologies
Conventional software development practices can generally be mapped onto the traditional life-cycle phases of analysis, functional specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. This thought process is inadequate for today's complex information systems. As the demand for software is growing much faster than the number of developers, adhering to conventional techniques such as the waterfall method requires too much time, too many people, and is difficult to manage. Hence, many new software development technologies have arisen. Newly developed practices and models do not attempt to separate phases of software development, such as specification and implementation, but instead focus on the concept of program transformation through stepwise refinement and iteration.
1Object-Oriented Technology
Object-Oriented (O-O) software design technology is fundamentally different from the traditional methods described above. With traditional methods, each module is recognized a major step in the overall process and the process goes from one step to the next. On the other hand, O-O design is structured around a model of objects and the functions they perform.
O-O programming can be traced to the simulation language SIMULA, a high level language developed in the late 60's that introduced object classes as a method to encapsulate data. Later, in the 1970s, Smalltalk was introduced as a complete grapgh design and coding as detail is added to the design. This provides a common language throughout each stage in development. O-O is best applied with specifically designed O-O development tools, but it is important to remember that as a methodology is it not specific to any programming language. Many different programming languages can be used to implement 0-0 technology and design methodologies.
Instead of procedures and functions passing data back and forth, in object oriented design, the system is viewed as a collection of objects with messages passed from object to object. Each object has its own set of associated operations. Object-oriented design is based on the idea of information hiding and modularization of both data and processing. It is best used when neither data structure nor processing operations are well defined ahead of time. This is quite useful in today's business environment where requirements are always changing and not very well defined. Thus, it has become quite popular! The concept of objects performing services is a natural way of thinking for both developers and customers. This facilitates understanding the problem domain and a more natural design. In addition, there are many benefits of object-oriented development. These include:
• Inheritance capitalizes on the commonalty of attributes and services allowing code and objects to be re-used.
.Information hiding makes systems more stable by localizing changes to objects and thereby making them reusable.
.The object-oriented development process is consistent from analysis, through design, to coding.
More information on Object Oriented Programming principles can be found in Chapter 4-Organization of Programming Languages and Programming Concepts.
2 Prototyping
Prototyping was invented because end users participating in the development phase found it difficult to understand requirement specifications and conceptual models. However, when it first began being used in the 1980s, most conventional life cycle developers considered it expensive and time consuming.
Since that time, users and developers have used prototypes successfully as a communications tool to demonstrate system requirements. After several prototype iterations, developers have a better understanding of user requirements and users have a better idea of how the system will eventually work, look, and l.
The number of times the prototype is incrementally refined depends on how well the user requirements and understood. It also depends on the users need to add requirements or change previously stated requirements. After establishing an overall architecture and framework, the system is developed and delivered in increments. Users may experiment with and use delivered increments while others are being developed. For instance, the first prototype may be delivered that implements a certain screen with only some active menu items. While users are experimenting with this screen and menu items, other screens and menu items are concurrently being developed which later will be combined with the existing prototype as it evolves.
Once the user is satisfied that the prototype meets requirements, the prototype is transformed into the "system". This effort depends on several factors. It may include adding functionality that wasn't initially recognized as required, replacing inefficient parts of the prototype to meet performance criteria, or adapting the prototype to fit the user's hardware environment.
Prototyping can begin very early, after some preliminary requirements analysis has determined the basic functionality, scope, and environment of the proposed software. Contrary to the traditional waterfall method, in the prototyping, functional specifications are not fixed. Rather, users are encouraged to modify their requirements as they themselves begin to understand them better. This is because users often don't really know what they want until they see it on the screen. The prototyping process of demonstration, review, and refinement gets the user more involved in the development process, giving them a sense of ownership during the process and at final system delivery. However, due to the mindset of "prototype", users often find it difficult to verify that the prototype satisfies their requirements. Therefore, guidelines must be established to determine when to stop iterating and the prototype to final product.
                         一、  软件设计基础
二、  现代设计方法
1) 丢弃型原型
A 用于减少需求风险,便于理解用户需求;
B 不作为最终的系统,在使用以后就被抛弃具体原因有:
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