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    This article is the 80 pump stent parts processing and processing of the process analysis, including the analysis of parts, blank selection, parts of the clamping, the development of the process, the choice of the tool, the amount of cutting to determine the processing technology Fill in the document. Choose the right processing methods, design a reasonable process of processing. In addition, the fixture cover parts of the two processes of the design of a special fixture design.
    There are many types of machine fixtures, of which the most widely used universal fixture, the size of the specifications have been more standardized, and a professional factory for production. And widely used in mass production, specifically for a workpiece processing services dedicated fixture, you need the factory according to the workpiece processing technology to design and manufacture. The main content of the fixture design in this paper is to design the grinding center hole fixture.
Keywords: 80 type pump bracket, processing technology, processing methods, process files, fixtures

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