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 摘 要


关键词: 边缘检测;人脸图像;小波


Edge is one of the most fundamental and significant features.Edge detection is always one of the most classical studying projects of computer vision and image processing field.The first step of image analysis and understanding is edge detection.How to define and extract the feature of human face is a key and complicated problem the edge and contour of human face is one of important feature.
Problems and methods in feature of human face edge detection will be studied in this paper, Hopes to find a good way to complete the edge detection process, the full text is divided into the following sections:
1, Introduced in the human face edge detection is the current domestic and international features from the research direction and methodology, as well as edge detection problems;
2, Research in image processing methods and phase problems,this is the basic of edge detection;
3, Research on images of the methods and problems in edge detection stage: study focused on the brink of withdrawal to the existing methods of comparison summary;
This paper mainly studies the theory of edge detection and different kinds of arithmetical methods.The experiment result are used to confirm the different methods which are  employed to test the edge detection results of the human face image.It discusses the consequence of detection when the threshold is varying and the possible factors,which makes the different results.Finally,it studies the application of the edge detection in human face detection and recognition.

Key words:Edge detection;  Human face;  Wavelet 

目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 图像边缘检测概论 1
1.2 图像边缘的定义 2
1.3 本论文工作目的及内容 2
2 图像预处理技术 3
2.1 图像处理基础 3
2.1.1数字图像存储与文件格式 3
2.1.2图像处理工具箱支持的基本图像类型 4
2.1.3图像类型的转换 4
2.2 图像的几何操作 5
2.2.1图像的剪切 5
2.2.2调整图像的大小 6
3 图像采集和定位 8
3.1 图像的采集 8
3.2人脸图像的定位 8
3.2.1图像裁剪 8
3.2.2自动定位 9
4 人脸图像边缘检测技术 12
4.1Robert算子 12
4.1.1 Robert算子原理 12
4.1.2基于MATLAB的Robert算子理论的实现及结果 13
4.2 Sobel算子 13
4.2.1 Sobel算子原理 13
4.2.2基于MATLAB的Sobel算子理论的实现及结果 15
4.3 Prewitt算子 16
4.3.1 Prewitt算子原理 16
4.3.2基于MATLAB的Prewitt算子理论的实现及结果 18
4.4 LOG算子 18
4.4.1 LOG算子原理 18
4.4.2基于MATLAB的LOG算子理论的实现及结果 20
4.5 Canny算子 21
4.5.1 Canny算子原理 21
4.5.2基于MATLAB的Canny算子理论的实现及结果 22
4. 6 Marr算子 23
4. 6.1 Marr算子原理 23
4.6.2基于MATLAB的Marr边缘检测算子理论的实现及结果 24
4. 7传统型边缘检测算子的效果比较和分析 25
4.8小波算子 27
4.8.1 小波的定义 27
4.8.2 连续小波变换 28
4.8.3 离散小波变换 29
4.8.4 小波函数 30
4.8.5基于MATLAB的小波边缘检测的理论实现及结果 31
4.9小结 32
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录A:英文原文 37
附 录B:英文译文 43
附录C:主程序 47

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