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基于PLC的电厂供暖系统的设计与实现 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘 要

本文研究的是基于PLC的换热站监控系统,是一个集成了暖通工程、计算机技术和通讯技术的先进解决方案,提升换热站运行的效率与自动化水平。该系统的应用不仅能够实时监测和控制换热站的运行状态,还因其强大的通讯能力和灵活的软件功能,可以支持远程网络化管理,极大地方便了运维人员对多个换热站进行统一监控和调度。关键技术组件及功能西门子S7-200SMART PLC,作为系统的核心控制器,S7-200SMART系列PLC以其高性能、小型化和经济性著称,作为人机交互界面,MT8106IQ提供了直观的操作界面,使得现场操作人员能方便地查看实时数据、调整运行参数和切换控制模式(手动/自动)。这种触摸屏的使用提高了系统的用户友好性和操作便利性。控制方案,系统采取分布式控制策略,即每个换热站拥有独立的PLC控制系统,而监控中心则负责集中管理和调度。这种设计既保证了各个换热站的自治运行能力,又便于集中监控和远程调控,提高了系统的可靠性和灵活性。PID算法功能模块,PID(比例-积分-微分)控制算法是自动控制领域广泛应用的经典算法,用于精确控制二次回水温度等关键参数达到预设目标。通过调整PID参数,系统能快速响应外部变化,有效抑制过冲和振荡,维持温度控制的高精度和稳定性。



Design and Implementation of Power Plant Heating System Based on PLC


This paper studies the PLC-based heat exchanger station monitoring system, which is an advanced solution integrating HVAC engineering, computer technology and communication technology to enhance the efficiency and automation level of heat exchanger station operation. The application of this system can not only monitor and control the operation status of heat exchanger stations in real time, but also support remote networked management due to its powerful communication capability and flexible software functions, which greatly facilitates the unified monitoring and scheduling of multiple heat exchanger stations by operation and maintenance personnel.

Key Technical Components and Functions Siemens S7-200SMART PLC, as the core controller of the system, S7-200SMART series PLC is famous for its high performance, miniaturization and economy. As the human-computer interface, MT8106IQ provides an intuitive operation interface, which makes it easy for the field operators to view the real-time data, adjust the operation parameters and switch the control mode (manual/automatic). (manual/automatic). The use of this touch screen improves the user-friendliness and ease of operation of the system. Control scheme, the system adopts a distributed control strategy, that is, each heat exchanger station has an independent PLC control system, while the monitoring center is responsible for centralized management and scheduling. This design not only ensures the autonomous operation capability of each heat exchanger station, but also facilitates centralized monitoring and remote control, which improves the reliability and flexibility of the system.PID Algorithm Function Module, PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Control Algorithm is a classical algorithm that is widely used in the field of automatic control, which is used to accurately control the key parameters, such as the secondary return temperature, to achieve the preset target. By adjusting the PID parameters, the system can respond quickly to external changes, effectively inhibit overshoot and oscillation, and maintain high precision and stability of temperature control.

Realize the normal operation of the heating unit control system of the heat exchanger station of the power plant, the water inlet to the glycol solution heating equipment needs to be controlled by its own PLC, including the relevant valves, pumps, sensors, flow collection and all other related control and data acquisition. External devices can read unit data through RS485 serial communication. The touch screen displays the heating supply/return glycol solution pressure, heating supply glycol solution temperature, the primary side of the electric control valve opening, pumps, solenoid valves and other switching status, and a variety of alarm information. Among them, the information of pressure, temperature and alarm can be stored for 1 year of operation data. Touch display of the heat exchanger unit system operation status diagram, various pressure and temperature operation curves. Various temperature, pressure and other set values can be set through the touch screen.

Key words:   PLC,HMI,PID,VFD

目 录

摘 要 


第1章  绪  论 

1.1 研究的背景和现状 

1.2 研究的意义 

1.3 研究的主要内容 

第2章  系统总体设计方案 

2.1 设计要求 


2.3 主元器件选型 

2.3.1 断路器选型 

2.3.2 变频器选型 

2.3.3 接触器选型 

2.3.4 热继电器选型 

2.3.5 PLC选型 

2.3.6 触摸屏选型 

2.3.7 压力传感器选型 

2.3.8 温度传感器选型 

2.6 本章小结 

第3章  电厂供暖工作原理和PLC的程序设计 

3.1 电厂供暖系统的工作原理 

3.2 电路设计 

3.2.1 动力部分 

3.2.2 电能表部分 

3.2.3 低压电气控制部分 

3.2.4 PLC控制部分 


3.2.6 电控箱 

3.2.7 温度控制 

3.2.8 定点恒压控制 

3.3 程序设计 

3.3.1 主程序 

3.3.2 AD转换 

3.3.3 室外温度换算设定温度 

3.3.4 流量调节阀开度控制 

3.3.5 循环泵转速控制 

3.3.6 变频器 

第4章  触摸屏设计与功能 

4.1 触摸屏 

4.2 触摸屏功能介绍 

4.2.1 设备连接 

4.2.2 监控状态 

4.2.3 参数输入 

4.2.4 系统报警 

4.2.5 数据存储功能 

4.2.6 密码权限设置 

第5章  系统实现与测试 

5.1 系统安装与调试 

5.1.1 硬件设备安装 

5.1.2 软件程序调试 

5.2 功能测试与验证 


5.3.1 控制精度评估 

5.3.2 响应速度评估 

第6章  结  论 


致  谢 

附  录 

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