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新会小青柑存储环境智能监控系统设计与实现 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要






As the "new favorite tea", the storage environment of Xinhui Xiaoqinggan is rather harsh, and the temperature and humidity can reach the most suitable conditions to maximize the storage time and its value. If the temperature and humidity are not suitable, Xinhui Xiaoqinggan may become tasteless, moldy or long insects. Therefore, it is necessary to design an intelligent monitoring system for the storage environment of Xinhui Xiaoqinggan in order to store it for a longer time, not only can it extend the storage time of Xinhui small green oranges, but also reduce human operations.

This paper provides an intelligent monitoring system for the storage environment of Xinhui Xiaoqingkang. It is an IoT system using STM32 as the basis for the control of the circuit. STM32 can collect the temperature and humidity data in the environment through temperature and humidity sensors, and then analyze whether to take measures to balance the environment and reach the desired environmental requirements through the data. Meanwhile, the temperature and humidity data can be transmitted to another microcontroller through a wireless module, and the second microcontroller can display the obtained data on the display module. The data can also be uploaded to the cloud platform through the WIFI module. The hardware part of this system consists of DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor, CC2530 wireless serial transceiver module, OLED LCD module, etc. Besides detecting the temperature and humidity of the environment, the biggest feature of this system is that it can be transmitted wirelessly, which can realize to let users check the temperature and humidity of the environment where Xinhui Xiaoqingkang is located in real time and ensure Xinhui Xiaoqingkang can be preserved smoothly.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)Through design and debugging, the system can achieve temperature and humidity acquisition of the environment, and then through the CC2530 wireless serial port transceiver module transmitted to the second STM32 microcontroller, at this time the second STM32 microcontroller OLED display module can display temperature and humidity data. When the temperature and humidity are greater than the set thresholds, the system takes appropriate action to improve the environment. The system responds quickly, has low economic cost, small footprint and less energy consumption, which can solve the problem of Xinhui small green orange storage and reduce the cost of merchants.

Keywords: STM32, Temperature and humidity, Wireless transmission, Intelligent monitoring

目  录

摘  要 


1  绪论 

1.1  设计来源与背景 

1.2  设计研究的目的和意义 

1.3  国内外设计现状、发展动态 

1.4  本文的设计任务与工作 

2  系统的整体设计 

2.1  系统的设计原理及总体框图 

2.2  可行性分析 

2.3  元器件参数的介绍和元器件选择 

2.3.1  主控芯片的选择 

2.3.2  温湿度模块的选择 

2.3.3  数据显示器的选择 

2.3.4  无线通信模块的选择 

2.3.5  降温模块选择 

2.3.6  升温模块选择 

2.4  本章小结 

3  硬件电路的基本原理及设计 

3.1  主控电路 

3.2  数据采集电路 

3.2.1  DHT11数字温湿度传感器电路 

3.2.2  CC2530无线串口收发电路 

3.2.3  风扇模块电路 

3.2.4  WIFI模块电路 

3.3 本章小结 

4  系统软件设计 

4.1  软件开发环境 

4.2  数据采集电路程序设计 

4.2.1  系统总体软件设计 

4.2.2  DHT11数字温湿度传感器程序设计 

4.3  数据接收电路程序设计 

4.3.1  CC2530无线串口收发模块程序设计 

4.3.2  OLED液晶屏模块程序设计 

4.4  本章小结 

5  调试与功能测试 

结  论 


致  谢 

附  录 

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