摘 要:本设计为乐昌市人民医院垃圾与污水处理基坑支护结构设计经地质勘查,地基土层主要由素填土、粉质黏土构成。主体基坑采用两种不同的支护体系:一种是自然放坡开挖支护体系,另一种是钢板桩支护体系。基坑采用坑内集水明排的措施疏干坑内积水。本次设计的主要内容包括:支护方案的选择、放坡开挖设计计算、钢板桩计算、基坑的稳定性验算、基坑降止水等
Lechang People's Hospital garbage and sewage treatment foundation pit support structure design
Abstract: This design is the design of the foundation pit support structure of Lechang People's Hospital garbage and sewage treatment, and the foundation soil layer is mainly composed of plain fill and silty clay. The main foundation pit adopts two different support systems: one is the slope excavation support system, and the other is the spray anchor support system. The foundation pit adopts the measures of water collection and drainage in the pit to drain the water in the pit. The main contents of this design include: the selection of support scheme, slope excavation design calculation, spray anchor calculation, foundation pit stability check, foundation pit water stopping, etc
Key words: foundation pit engineering; slope excavation support; spray anchor support; stability