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房地产企业员工跟投机制设计与高周转财务管理-以阳光城为例 MBA硕士论文+开题报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘   要


关键词:跟投机制 高周转 财务管理

 The follow-up investment mechanism for employees in real estate industry and the high turn-over phenomenon in corporate financial management--A case study of Yango Group Co.,Ltd


This article discusses the follow-up investment mechanism for employees in real estate industry and the high turn-over phenomenon in corporate financial management through research methods of comparative case study, literature analysis, and financial index analysis, with an example of a rapidly developing listed company, Yango Group Co., Ltd. The main outcomes and conclusions are as follows: Firstly, in the era where the scale is the highest priority, the realistic phenomenon of high turn-over of real estate companies puts forward higher requirements for the corporate governance. It calls for a suitable follow-up investment mechanism to motivate employees to solve issues in corporate governance under the growth of real estate companies. Secondly, a critical evaluation of the impact of the combination of mechanism design and financial ratio control on employees’ behavior is necessary, which should include the business indicator growth together with the realistic operational direction of real estate companies under the guidance of financial management with high turn-over rate. Thirdly, as the participants of corporate governance, management positions as well as general staff would impact the practical effect of follow-up investment mechanism due to short-term preference and improper role definition of governance. In summary, we need to take an objective look at the positive significance and limitations of the real estate company employees' follow-up investment mechanism on corporate governance. In conclusion, both the positive significance and the shortcomings of the impact of the follow-up investment mechanism in real estate industry on corporate governance should be put in perspective. This article provides a completed designed route for the practice of follow-up investment mechanism in real estate industry, which is to be referred to in the high turn-over financial management of real estate industry.

Keywords: Follow-up investment mechanism, High turn-over, Financial management


摘   要 



第1章 绪论 

1.1 研究背景 

1.2 研究内容 

1.3 研究思路和方法 

1.4 研究意义 

1.5 本章小结 

第2章 文献综述 

2.1 公司治理 

2.2 股权激励 

2.3 本章小结 

第3章 案例背景介绍 

3.1 阳光城简介 

3.2 阳光城2016-2018年财务情况 

3.3 阳光城跟投制度介绍 

3.4 阳光城高周转财务管理实施情况 

3.5 本章小结 

第4章 案例分析和讨论 

4.1 阳光城员工跟投制度设计要点 

4.2 阳光城高周转财务管理的各项指标体现 

4.3 阳光城的员工跟投制度的优缺点 

4.4 跟投制度对公司治理的启示 

4.5 阳光城财务管理建议 

4.5 本章小结 

第5章 结论与展望 



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