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游戏机手柄上盖注塑模具设计与优化 说明书(论文)+CAD图纸+proe三维图+模流分析文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要






With the increasingly important role of mold technology in modern industry, it plays an indispensable role in promoting the development of national economy. Especially in the rapid development of automobile manufacturing, medical production, electrical electronics and other fields, the application of mold technology is particularly extensive. As an important part of mold technology, the market share of plastic products continues to rise due to its good performance and economy. In the future, with the promotion of industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, the market prospect of mold technology will be broader.

The graduation design takes the top cover of the game controller to design and optimize the injection mold. As a key component of home electronic products, the design of the controller cover should not only need to meet the functional requirements, but also take into account the appearance and user experience. Therefore, this design first carried out a detailed process analysis of the product, including the use of requirements, appearance requirements, etc., and selected ABS plastic as the raw material. Then, the key steps of mold typing surface selection, type cavity layout, gate design and size calculation of molding parts are conducted. At the same time, according to the injection molding volume, injection pressure and other parameters, the injection molding machine model was reasonably selected and checked.

In the process of mold design, special attention is paid to the optimization design of key components such as cooling system, release mechanism and guide positioning mechanism, so as to improve the molding efficiency and product quality. Finally, the detailed design drawings and instruction manual of the mold were completed, which provided reliable technical support for the actual production.

Key words: ABS plastic; injection mold design; top cover of game controller; mold optimization; cooling system; mold release mechanism


摘 要



第一章 绪论


1.2 模具发展现状与发展趋势

1.3 本次课题任务目标

第二章 游戏机手柄上盖的工艺分析

2.1 产品图

2.2 塑件结构分析

2.3 塑件几何尺寸设计



2.4 塑件的尺寸精度

第三章 塑件材料的性质及成型工艺特点

3.1 ABS的性质

3.1.1 ABS成型加工

3.1.2 ABS的性能

3.1.3 ABS物理和化学性能指标

第四章 确定注塑机的型号及参数校核


4.1.1 计算注塑量

4.1.2 锁模力的校核

4.1.3 注塑机型号的初步确定

4.2 校核注塑工艺参数

4.2.1 最大注塑量的校核



4.3 校核模具安装尺寸

4.3.1 校核喷嘴尺寸

4.3.2 校核定位圈尺寸

4.3.3 模具外形尺寸校核

4.3.4 模具厚度校核

4.4 开模行程的校核

第五章 分型面选择

第六章 浇注系统

6.1 浇注系统的设计原则

6.2 主流道设计

6.3 浇口设计

第七章 成型零部件

7.1 成型零件结构设计

7.1.1 型腔结构

7.1.2 型芯结构

7.2 成型零件工作尺寸的计算

7.2.1 影响工作尺寸的因素

7.2.2 型腔的工作尺寸的计算

第八章 合模导向及定位机构

8.1 导向机构的总体设计

8.2 导柱的设计

8.3 导套和导向孔的设计

第九章 脱模机构

9.1 对脱模机构的要求

9.2 脱模力计算

9.3 推杆复位装置

9.4 推件机构的设计

第十章 温度调节系统

10.1 加热系统

10.2 冷却系统

10.2.1 设计原则

10.2.2 冷却水孔的排列形式

第十一章 总装图

结 论


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