摘 要
At present, the rapid development of mobile Internet and consumers' increasing demand for convenient and efficient shopping experience. Especially in the market segment of seafood products, consumers' demand for the reservation system is particularly prominent. Traditional seafood booking methods often have problems such as information asymmetry and complicated booking process, and the booking system based on WeChat small program can provide users with more intuitive and convenient booking experience. In addition, with the continuous improvement and popularization of wechat small program, as a bridge connecting users and services, it has huge commercial potential and social value. Therefore, this topic aims to develop a seafood booking system based on WeChat small program based on the current technology and market trends, aiming to solve the problems of the existing booking system and provide users with a better booking experience.
This paper aims to develop a seafood reservation system based on WeChat small program to meet the users' demand for fast booking of seafood products. The front end of the system is developed by using the wechat small program framework, and the wechat Web developer tool is used for encoding and debugging. The back end is developed using Java language, using SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis) framework to build the business logic layer and data access layer to ensure the stability and scalability of the system. In terms of database, MySQL is selected as the storage engine to store user information, seafood product data and other key information. The server uses Tomcat to provide an efficient and stable running environment for the system. Through the design and implementation of this system, it not only improves the convenience of seafood booking, but also provides an effective online sales channel for merchants, and promotes the digital transformation of the seafood industry.
Key words: WeChat small program; seafood reservation system; SSM framework; MySQL; Tomcat
目 录
摘 要
目 录
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 选题背景
1.1.2 选题意义
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势
1.2.1 国外研究现状
1.2.2 国内研究现状
1.2.3 发展趋势
1.3 研究的主要内容
第2章 系统技术
2.1 Java语言
2.1.1 Java语言的特点
2.1.2 Java在后端开发中的应用
2.1.3 Java与其他技术的结合
2.2 SSM框架
2.2.1 Spring框架
2.2.2 SpringMVC框架
2.2.3 MyBatis框架
2.2.4 SSM框架整合
2.3 微信小程序技术
2.3.1 前端技术
2.3.2 后端技术
2.3.3 小程序开发框架
2.3.4 API
2.3.5 微信开发者工具
2.5 MySQL数据库
2.5.1 特点
2.5.2 在海鲜预订系统中的应用
2.5.3 与其他技术的结合
第3章 系统分析
3.5 可行性分析
3.5.1 技术可行性
3.5.2 经济可行性
第4章 系统设计
第5章 系统实现
5.1 前台部分
5.1.1 小程序登录页
5.1.2 注册
5.1.3 商品列表
5.1.4 购买
5.1.5 送货员管理
5.1.6 评价
5.1.7 我的订单
5.2 后台部分
5.2.1 后台登录
5.2.2 商品管理
5.2.3 商品修改管理
5.2.4 评价管理
5.2.5 类型管理
5.2.6 订单管理
第6章 系统测试
6.1 测试环境简介
6.2 系统的不足及修改方法
6.3 系统的评价分析
6.3.1 实用性
6.3.2 可维护性
6.3.3 可扩展性
第7章 总结与展望
7.1 总结
7.2 展望
致 谢