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新型高层住宅消防无人机设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+CAD图纸+ inventor2020三维图及仿真动画+论文检测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘    要





With the urgent need to improve the efficiency and safety of high-rise residential fire rescue, as well as the continuous exploration of the application of uav technology in the field of fire protection. This design aims to achieve efficient and safe high-rise fire rescue by the innovative UAV structure and control circuit, and provide strong support for modern urban fire safety.

This paper aims to design a new type of high-rise residential fire-fighting UAV, which has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient operation and high reliability, and is especially suitable for high-rise fire rescue scenarios. The design of the UAV focuses on its water pack mounting mechanism, which consists of a hook, locking and unlocking device and its transmission parts, and can hang a 60kg fire water pack. After the uav hangs into the water bag, it will send a signal through the remote control device, and the locking device will automatically lock the water bag to ensure the safety during the flight. When the UAV arrives at the designated fire site, the remote control device sends out the unlock signal again, and the locking mechanism is unlocked immediately. The fire water bag automatically falls under the action of gravity, realizing the effective control of small and medium-sized fires. This paper details the mechanical structure design of the UAV, draws the equipment assembly map, and checks the strength and stiffness of 2-3 key components to ensure the stability and safety of the UAV in rescue missions. In addition, this paper also designs the driving system control circuit of the UAV, which provides the technical support for the stable operation of the UAV. This design not only improves the efficiency and safety of high-level fire rescue, but also provides new ideas and methods for the application of UAV in the field of fire protection.

Key words: fire fighting UAV; water bag mounting mechanism; mechanical structure design; strength and stiffness check; drive system control circuit; high-level fire rescue

目    录

摘要 i

Abstract ii

摘    要


第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.1.1 选题背景

1.1.2 选题意义

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势

1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.2.3 发展趋势

1.3 研究主要内容

第2章 消防无人机设计总体方案的选择

2.1 电磁式消防水包挂载机构

2.2 连杆式消防水包挂载机构

2.3 齿轮齿条式消防水包挂载机构

第3章 齿轮齿条式消防水包挂载机构设计与计算

3.1 齿轮齿条设计与计算

3.1.1 锁紧机构的受力分析

3.1.2 齿轮齿条设计

3.1.3 齿轮齿条校核

3.1.4 几何尺寸计算

3.1.5 主要设计结论

3.2 执行机构轴的设计计算

3.2.1 高速轴的设计

3.2.2 低速轴的设计

3.3  挂载机构驱动电机选择

3.3.1  选择电动机的类型

3.3.2  选择电动机的功率

3.4 挂载箱体机构箱体材料的选择

3.4.1 铝合金材料

3.4.2 工程塑料

3.4.3 碳纤维

3.4.4 材料的对比与选择

3.5 挂载机构箱体的结构尺寸

3.6 润滑剂的选择

3.6.1 齿轮润滑剂

3.6.2 轴承润滑剂




第4章 挂载机构驱动系统电路的设计

4.1 多旋翼无人机电路系统的组成

4.1.1 动力系统

4.1.2 动力电源与充电系统

4.1.3 电子调速器

4.1.4 飞行控制系统

4.1.5 遥控器和遥控接收器

4.2 驱动系统电路的控制要求

4.2.1 地面控制要求

4.2.2 空中控制要求

4.3 微型直流电动机正反转电路设计

4.3.1 直流电动机的工作原理

4.3.2 直流电动机的结构

4.3.3 直流电动机正反转控制电路原理

4.3.4  L298驱动集成电路简介

4.4 控制芯片选择

4.4.1 方案选择

4.4.2 三种控制方案的比较

4.5 51系列单片机简介

4.6 行程开关的选择


4.8 数据接收模块

4.8 驱动系统电路图

第5章 总结与展望

5.1 总结

5.2 展望

致    谢


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