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中阳一中网络规划与设计 毕业论文+开题报告+中期检查表+中期答辩PPT+毕业答辩稿+毕业答辩PPT+思科拓扑图源文件+论文检测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要


本文主要探讨了中阳一中校园网络的规划与设计。项目需求包括建立覆盖教学楼、教师公寓、图书馆、男生宿舍、女生宿舍和行政楼六栋建筑的校园内部INTRANET,并能够接入CERNET和CHINANET,实现多媒体教学、教学管理、办公自动化、远程教育以及因特网连接等功能。在设计中,采用了Cisco Packet Tracer模拟软件进行了网络拓扑的构建和模拟,确保了网络设计的合理性和有效性。论文首先分析了校园网络的需求和特点,随后详细阐述了网络架构的设计方案,包括核心层、汇聚层、接入层的设计以及IP地址分配策略。此外,还讨论了网络安全策略、无线覆盖方案以及网络管理策略。最后,通过Cisco Packet Tracer模拟软件验证了设计的可行性,并提出了实施建议。本设计的校园网络将为中阳一中的教育信息化提供有力支持。

关键词:校园网;网络规划;网络设计;Cisco Packet Tracer;多媒体教学


This topic comes from the actual needs of Zhongyang No.1 Middle School for its campus network planning and design. With the rapid development of information technology and the deepening promotion of education informatization, Zhongyang No.1 Middle School needs to build an efficient, stable and safe campus network system in order to improve the teaching quality, management efficiency and service level. This topic aims to meet the construction needs of intra-campus INTRANET through scientific and reasonable network planning and design, and realize the interconnection with external networks such as CERNET and CHINANET, so as to support multimedia teaching, teaching management, office automation, distance education, Internet connection and other functions. The topic selection is closely combined with the development trend and actual needs of the current educational informatization, which has important practical significance and application value.

This paper mainly discusses the planning and design of the campus network of Zhongyang No.1 Middle School. The project requirements include the establishment of on-campus INTRANET covering six buildings of teaching building, teacher apartment, library, boys 'dormitory, girls' dormitory and administration building, and access to CERNET and CHINANET to realize multimedia teaching, teaching management, office automation, distance education and Internet connection. In the design, the Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software is used to conduct the construction and simulation of the network topology, which ensures the rationality and effectiveness of the network design. The paper first analyzes the needs and characteristics of campus network, and then expounds the design scheme of network architecture, including the design of core layer, convergence layer, access layer and IP address allocation strategy. In addition, network security strategies, wireless coverage schemes, and network management strategies are also discussed. Finally, the feasibility of the design is verified by Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software and the implementation recommendations are proposed. The campus network designed here will provide strong support for the education informatization of Zhongyang No.1 Middle School.

Key words: campus network; network planning; network design; Cisco Packet Tracer; multimedia teaching

目  录

1 绪 论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展现状

1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.2.3 发展趋势

1.3 研究目标与内容

1.3.1 研究目标

1.3.2 研究内容

1.3.3 研究方法

2 中阳一中校园网网络的需求分析

2.1 需求分析概括

2.2 用户的应用需求

2.3 通信需求

2.4 信息点和用户需求

2.5 性能需求

2.6 安全与管理需求

3 中阳一中校园网网络的总体设计

3.1 方案设计

3.2 校园网络拓扑图

3.3 校园网IP及VLAN分配方案

3.4 校园网综合布线系统

4 中阳一中校园网网络的设备选型及调试

4.1 设备选型

4.2 经费预算

5 网络测试

5.1 配置代码

5.1.1 路由器基本配置

5.1.2 配置接入路由器的NAT

5.1.3 配置路由器的静态路由

5.1.4 配置ACL访问控制列表

5.2 核心交换机配置

5.3 汇聚层交换机

5.4 接入层交换机配置

6 服务器的配置及管理

6.1 Web配置

6.2 FTP配置

6.3 DNS配置



7.1 总结

7.2 展望

致  谢


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