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基于Python+scopy实现的渗透测试工具对网站URL以及端口进行漏洞检测系统 毕业论文+答辩PPT+演示视频+项目源码及数据库文件+查重检测报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要





The Internet is the main tool for people to transmit information in the data age. At present, the Internet has a very rich information resources, which can provide rich information content for a wide range of users. People can carry out a variety of activities on the network, such as social networking, shopping, games and so on. However, at the present time when the network is so developed, there are also some discordant voices, some illegal elements will use the network vulnerability to attack the website, initially some are curious, but with the commercial value of information highlighted, now many attacks are purposeful, in the hope that more commercial value information can be stolen by Trojan horse, vulnerability intrusion, etc. In order to obtain illegal commercial benefits. In this case, major websites are also improving and upgrading, and continue to repair the vulnerability. However, in the network environment, technology continues to develop, and loopholes only continue to appear. If netizens browse information in an unsafe channel, it is possible that computers will be implanted with viruses, loss of personal privacy information, causing economic losses, and so on, are very likely to occur.

So this time, through the B/S structure to build a tool that can penetrate the detection, through the development of the tool to carry out web page vulnerabilities, web port scanning technology implementation, through online website detection to find out if there are any vulnerabilities in the web page, which has a very good help for the late upgrade and protection of the website, can effectively detect possible vulnerabilities, and can achieve automated detection. Can better discover security issues, and achieve timely remediation of vulnerabilities.

Keywords: web port test; Penetration test; Python

目 录

摘 要


第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.2 国内外研究现状和发展趋势

1.3 本论文主要工作及组织结构

1.3.1 论文主要研究工作

1.3.2 论文的组织结构

第2章 web安全评估及测试的介绍

2.1 渗透测试

2.2 web安全评估

第3章 渗透测试及安全评估的设计

3.1 漏洞渗透测试方法设计

3.2 SQL漏洞的设计

3.2.1 SQL注入漏洞的原理


3.4 scopy解析设计






第4章 设计成果展示

4.1 测试系统的搭建技术介绍








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