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风洞实验运动装置机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+选题表+开题报告+外文翻译+实习报告+CAD图纸+SW三维图
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


风洞试验设备是一个国家航空航天事业发展的基础设施 ,对国家的航空航天事业、武器装备研制以及国民经济的发展发挥着非常重要的作用。风洞试验是研制新型飞行器必不可少的重要环节。每一种新型飞行器的研制都需要在风洞中进行大量的试验。





Wind tunnel testing facilities are infrastructures for the aeronautics and astronautics of a nation ,which are important for aviation and spaceflight career ,weapon development and national economy. It is an important and indispensable part of the development of new types of aircraft for the wind tunnel test. Development of each new aircraft needs carry out a large number of tests in a wind tunnel.

The development of the series mechanisms have contributed to the study of space mechanism ,and nearly 20 years of the parallel mechanism have promoted the development of the space mechanism again. At the present,in order to advance of science and technology of China,independent innovation and open up the unique way in some new industries and fields,based on the characteristics of series mechanisms and parallel mechanism,parallel-series institutions become a hot new area of all  high-end technology applications .

In this paper, a brief description of current situation and development of two (few) degree of freedom mechanism and wind tunnel experiment, further for structure design to the two degrees of freedom motion mechanism; introduction of SolidWorks software and process for the design of two degrees of freedom movement mechanism unit for three-dimensional modeling ; strength check and mechanical properties analysis for the main nodes of movement mechanism, based on that select suitable motor; finally this project makes a summary and prospected.

Key words:Series, Two degree of freedom, wind tunnel, Three-dimensional modeling.




第一章 绪论


1.1.1课题背景 1

1.1.2课题目的及其意义 2

1.2本课题研究内容 3

第二章 风动,两(少)自由度运动机构的基础理论研究 4

2.1风洞试验及应用 4

2.2两(少)自由度运动机构的基础理论 7

2.3两(少)自由度运动机构的发展趋势 8

第三章 两自由度运动机构的结构方案设计和分析 9

3.1五自由度风洞试验设计方案机构原理 9

3.2两自由度弯刀运动机构的机构原理 10

第四章  两自由度运动机构的三维造型及结构分析 14




4.1.3模块简介 20

4.2自由度运动机构的三维造型过程 21

4.2.1用SolidWorks对各零部件进行造型 21

4.2.2用SolidWorks各零部件进行装配 26

第五章 电机的选择 28


5.2电机的选择 30

5.3本章小结 30

总结 31

参考文献 32

致  谢 34

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