摘 要
This study aims to design an efficient and reliable small material handling crane. In order to meet the different driving needs of big cars and small cars, two ways are used respectively: drive and centralized drive. The drive system innovatively adopts the "three-in-one" drive type of brake, reducer and motor, carefully selecting the finished parts, and matches the appropriate car frame according to its characteristics and technical parameters. In terms of the lifting mechanism, a detailed analysis of motor, reducer and brake selection is made, and the drum and wire rope are designed, and strictly checked to ensure that the requirements of lifting weight and lifting speed are met, and the predetermined working level is reached. In addition, the bridge adopts the partial rail box double beam structure, which not only significantly reduces the overall weight of the crane, but also significantly enhances the stiffness of the bridge, effectively preventing the deformation of the bridge, thus extending the service life of the crane. This study provides useful reference and new ideas for the design of small material handling crane.
Key words: small material handling crane; "three-in-one" drive type; lifting mechanism; deviated rail box double beam; crane design
摘 要
第1章 绪 论
1.1 课题背景
1.2 起重机的发展历史
1.3 小型物料搬运起重机的发展背景及现状
1.4 小型物料搬运起重机设计的主要工作
第2章 桥式小型物料搬运起重机的概况
2.1 桥式小型物料搬运起重机的功用
2.2 桥式小型物料搬运起重机的结构
2.2.1 起升机构
2.2.2 起重机运行机构
2.2.3 桥架的金属结构
2.2.4 小型物料抓斗
2.3 小型物料搬运起重机作为非标特种起重机具有的特点
2.4 本章小结
第3章 起升小车的设计
3.1 起升机构计算
3.1.1 钢丝绳
3.1.2 电动机
3.1.3 减速器
3.1.4 制动器
3.1.5 联轴器
3.1.6 卷筒
3.2 运行机构计算
3.2.1 电动机的选择
3.2.2 减速器的选择
3.2.3 制动器的选择
3.2.4 联轴器的选择
3.3 本章小结
第4章 大车运行机构的设计
4.1 电动机的选择
4.1.1 电动机的静功率
4.1.2 电动机初选
4.1.3 电动机的过载校验
4.2 减速器的选择
4.2.1 减速器的传动比
4.2.2 标准减速器的选用
4.3 制动器的选择
4.4 联轴器的选择
4.5 本章小结
第5章 主动轴的设计计算
5.1 轴的概述
5.1.1 轴的用途
5.1.2 轴的材料
5.2 小车驱动机构主动轴的设计
5.3 本章小结
第6章 主梁的设计选用
6.1 作用于主梁上的载荷
6.2 主梁载荷组合及其选用
6.3 本章小结
结 论
致 谢