Intelligent Access Control System Based on 51Microcomputer
Abstract:Children are a very special group who are different from the adult, there are significant characteristics different from the adult whether in physiological, psychological or behavioral. Not only Their body and mind are still constantly developing, not being mature, but their intelligence is also being shaped, so their needs are changing with the development of the physical and mental. Again, these features make children’s furniture significantly different from adult furniture.According to these characteristics, this paper research the desk how to make better use of intelligent design desk approach to meet the size, shape, color and intelligent function needs of the children’s healthy growth in the era of things.The intelligent control system combined with traditional desk design, to meet the needs of school-age children grow up healthy desk in Lift height, adjust the angle, visual health, proper posture, environmental security, etc.Built-in intelligent processing system and interface operating system to achieve intelligent desk adjusted to meet the needs of healthy growth of children, to prevent the occurrence of myopia, kyphosis, curvature of the spine and other diseases.providing a more optimal learning environment.Finally, combining theoretical research and design practice to make the new smart desk physical and conceptual design in accordance with the summary of the optimal size of the reference value and technology in the shape, function, color and other aspects. In this way ,we can expand the continuity of children’s intelligence desk use.
Keywords: Children;Healthy growth;Intelligence;Desk
1.1 选题背景及实际意义
1.2 国内外发展历程
1.3 本论文研究目标
2.1 主要元器件选择
2.1.1 主控芯片选择
2.1.2 显示方案选择
2.1.3 按键模块方案选择
2.2 整体设计方案
3.1 主控电路模块
3.2 光敏电阻检测模块电路
3.3 HC-SR04超声波避障模块电路
3.4 ULN2003步进电机模块
3.5 LCD1602显示模块电路
3.6 语音播报模块(TTS)
3.7 独立按键电路模块
3.8 蓝牙(ECB02)
4.1 编程软件介绍
4.2 系统主流程设计
4.3 独立按键
4.4 超声波检测模块子流程
4.5 步进电机子流程
4.6 LCD1602液晶显示子流程
4.7 A/D模数转换子流程
4.8 蓝牙模块子流程
5.1 整体仿真调试图
5.2 上电运行仿真测试
5.3 超声波测距仿真测试
5.4 光照强度仿真测试
5.4 书桌高度调整仿真测试
6.1 整体实物调试图
6.2 上电运行实物测试
6.3 超声波测距实物测试
6.4 光照强度实物测试
6.4 书桌高度调整实物测试