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On the expression of Chinese preposition in uygur language
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

On the expression of Chinese preposition in uygur language.

JOURNAL:Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
SOURCE:De Gruyter期刊
PUBLISHER:De Gruyter Open

The word teaching plays a very important role in Chinese teaching, and mastering the meaning and usage of the empty words becomes the key to learning Chinese grammar and even learning Chinese well. To learn Chinese well, a minority student must learn the prepositions, which is one of the difficulties in learning Chinese. In this paper, we only briefly discuss the expression of Chinese preposition in uygur language, so as to benefit the teaching.

I The nature and classification of prepositions in modern Chinese.

(1) the nature of prepositions.

Huang Borong, xu-dong liao said: "the preposition mark sex role, attachment in front of the content words or phrases together constitute a prepositional phrase, whole main modification and supplement" part of speech words, mark has to do with action, character of time, space, ways, reason, purpose, illocutionary, patient, objects, etc." Chen chang came to define the preposition as: "preposition is an important category in Chinese grammar. In sense: is it the same as a general sense of function words, no real meaning, only the grammatical meaning, mainly on the syntactic function interface guide function and the interface pull-ups speech words to predicate verbs, etc."

Once upon a time people we can see that in the study of preposition can neither be used independently, also can't be other words, can only be attached to the content words said before certain grammatical meaning, and often form a fixed structure.

(2) classification of prepositions.

The number of prepositions is small, but the classification of each family is not consistent, which can be divided into several categories. Firstly, the prepositions are classified from the syllables, and the prepositions are divided into one-syllable prepositions and two-syllable prepositions. For example: monosyllabic prepositions "in" and "the" "be" "let" "call" to "from"  "from "" to" "with" "than" "when," "by" a "to" "in" "the" "on", etc., monosyllabic prepositions in the modern Chinese preposition majority; Two-syllable prepositions have "on" and "for" a "in accordance with the" "with" "according to" "to" "down" "comply with" a "through", etc., double syllable prepositions are often linked to the corresponding monosyllabic prepositions have meaning and usage.

The second is to classify prepositions from the point of meaning, which is to categorize prepositions according to the meaning categories of prepositions. Fu Yuxian, xiao-bing zhou studies of modern Chinese preposition preposition (1997) from the perspective of meaning between illocutionary preposition preposition, object, content, patient prepositions, tools way of prepositions, prepositions of time and space, on the basis of prepositions, prepositions, reason purpose prepositions from eight classes. And Huang Borong (2002), from the perspective of meaning prepositions can be divided into "said time, location, direction," "said way, method, based on the comparison, tools," said the reason, purpose "agency," said patient2 "" said regarding object" five classes.

The third is to classify prepositions from the syntactic function Angle, which is to classify prepositions according to the different syntactic elements in the sentence. Such as fu, zhou (form) according to the syntactic features such as prepositions can be divided into "only when the adverbial before predicate" "can not only when the adverbial before predicate, but also in the subject when all other modifiers" before "can not only when all other modifiers, in front of the subject and predicate as adverbials, before or after the predicate complement" when "can not only when all other modifiers, in front of the subject and predicate when adverbial before, or in front of the main object when the attributive" four classes. According to the function, the preposition can be divided into 10 categories: "to be", "according to", "to" and "to the right" class, and further subdivided into 10 categories.

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