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便携式除草机造型设计(工业毕业设计) 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+草图+尺寸图+爆炸图+实物模型+展板+三维模型
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘  要








With the progress of social and economic development, the quality of life for people is gradually improving. As the main aspect of quality of life, the environment is concerned by the public. The city as an important population centers its environmental quality is the focus of attention, urban greening is an important aspect of the evaluation of a city. Since the lawn has strong adaptability, low prices, free plant characteristics, so it become a major element of urban greening.

This project is to design the equipment that pruning main elements of urban greening lawn.  Now is the lawn mower to complete the lawn pruning.  Through the investigation and analysis of the society, the city lawn has the characteristics of "little and more". Aiming at the characteristic of lawn the design is located in terms of portability. At the same time, through the analysis of the existing products and the future direction of development, the product is located in the direction of green energy use. Through the analysis of the current trends we found that more and more people like simple and longing for nature. So the shape of the product positioning in the beautiful natural form and simple geometry of these two directions.

Since entering the 21st century the rapid development of computer technology, that achieved the electronic intelligent control. Especially the discovery and development of the smart phone, so that the intelligent become the main direction of the future development. In the present society, many of the products can be controlled by remote sensing intelligent terminals, and complete

the work set in advance. This topic was about the designs of intelligent weeding machine for the development trend.Intelligent design can effectively save people's time and effort.

Through a series of survey and analysis, the design direction of this subject has been  located. Established the plan by drawing the sketch, and then determined the final plan through the aspects of the material, the market, the position and so on. Finally, modeling and renderingd and display the final results.

KEY WORDS:weeder,quality of life, portable, concise, intelligence

目 录


第1章  绪论............................................2

§1.1  便携式除草机的设计依据.......................2

§1.2  便携式除草机的设计意义.......................3

§1.3  设计方法.....................................4

第2章  产品调研与定位..................................5

§2.1  国内外产品设计概况...........................5

§2.1.1  国内除草机设计概况.....................5

§2.1.2  国外除草机设计概况.....................8

§2.2  产品分析....................................11

§2.2.1  产品功能..............................11

§2.2.2  产品动力..............................11

§2.2.3  产品材料..............................12

§2.3  产品定位....................................13

第3章  设计草图与定稿分析.............................14

§3.1  设计草图阶段................................14

§3.2  设计深入阶段................................16

§3.3  定稿方案分析................................19

第4章  产品后续制作与展示.............................20

§4.1  计算机三维建模..............................20

§4.2  产品效果展示................................20

§4.3  广告、展板、PPT制作..........................21

第5章  设计总结.......................................23

§5.1  设计成果....................................23

§5.2  设计评价....................................23结论...................................................24



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