关键词:微电网控制 PQ控制 Droop控制 Matlab/Simulink软件
The power system is the basic guarantee to maintain the social life and production. However, as more and more large-scale power outages occur, the disadvantages of the traditional large-scale power grid become more and more obvious. As a result, all countries in the world are beginning to pay attention to distributed generation technology based on renewable energy. At the same time, the concept of microgrid is a good solution to the adverse effect of distributed generation in large power grids. Micro-grid is defined from a system perspective. It combines distributed power, load, energy storage unit and control device to form an independent system. It has two typical operation modes of grid-connected operation and island operation: Normal Under the circumstance, the microgrid is connected with an external large power grid through a public connection point, effectively solving the problem of large-scale access to distributed power and providing support for large power grids. When a large power grid fails, the microgrid can quickly disconnect and transition to island operation, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to important local loads.
This paper first introduces the basic knowledge of microgrid, including the concept of micro-grid, research and application as well as the main components, such as switching devices, distributed power and energy storage unit, and then gives three-phase voltage source inverter circuit topology, And deduces its mathematical model in natural coordinate system and dq rotating coordinate system respectively. Then this paper introduces the constant power PQ control and droop control and other micro-grid control methods, analysis of their respective applicability and advantages and disadvantages, and gives the theoretical basis.
In the simulation model establishment and result analysis part, due to the popularization and application of photovoltaic cells in real life, this paper first modeling and simulation analysis of photovoltaic cells, and using MPPT, the maximum power point tracking, photovoltaic cell output voltage and Then for the constant power PQ control method, the microgrid model under the islanding and grid connection working mode is established, and the accuracy of the control method is verified by the output voltage and the system frequency fluctuation. For Droop control theory, this paper also establishes a single-supply island and grid and distributed power grid-connected simulation model, through the system frequency fluctuations and output voltage verification Droop control method accuracy.
In summary, this paper mainly uses the Matlab / Simulink software to build the micro-grid model and analyzes the accuracy of the control method in the microgrid grid-connected and grid-connected operation mode.
Keywords: Micro-grid control PQ control Droop control Matlab / Simulink software
第一章 微电网 1
1.1概念 1
1.2技术应用 1
1.3 研究意义 1
第二章 微电网组成元件 2
2.1 开关器件 2
2.1.1 断路器 2
2.1.2 静态开关 2
2.2 分布式电源 3
2.3 储能单元 3
2.4 电力电子接口电路 4
第三章 微电网控制及逆变器原理 4
3.1 微电网的基本结构 4
3.2 微电网的系统控制概述 5
3.3 逆变器结构及其原理 5
第四章 基于逆变控制的三相全桥逆变器 6
4.1 三相电压源型逆变器数学模型 6
4.1.1 三相静止坐标系下的数学模型 7
4.1.3 dq两相旋转坐标系下的数学模型 8
4.2 恒功率PQ控制 9
4.3 Droop控制原理 11
第五章 基于下垂控制的微网逆变器双模式运行研究 13
5.1 光伏电池建模与仿真分析 13
5.1.2 工程数学模型 14
5.1.2光伏电池模型的仿真 15
5.2 基于PQ控制的仿真模型 20
5.2.1 孤岛模式下PQ控制的仿真分析 20
5.2.2 并网模式下PQ控制的仿真分析 22
5.3 简单下垂控制仿真模型建立 25
5.3.1 模型建立 25
5.3.2 仿真结果: 26
5.4 微网逆变器不同工作模式的平滑切换 26
5.4.1 单电源孤岛运行仿真模型建立 27
5.4.2 单电源并网运行仿真模型建立 33
5.4.3分布式电源的并网仿真 35
致谢 37