摘 要
First, in order to obtain the ideal and more understanding of the design method of transmission system design of machine tool transmission system when the winner. According to the requirements of the main drive system of CNC machine tool and spindle power and torque characteristics, analysis of the design principle and method of mechanical and electrical connection and speed of main transmission system. Starting from the main drive system structure network, determine the optimum matching scheme of machine tool spindle power and torque characteristics, the calculation and verification of relevant motion parameters and dynamic parameters. Design steps and design method of this specification focuses on the main drive system of machine tool, according to the motion parameters have been determined by transmission center distance of expansion graph of the minimum as the goal, formulate transmission scheme transmission system, in order to obtain the optimal scheme and high design efficiency. In the main drive system of machine tool, in order to reduce the number of gears, simplify the structure, reduce the axial size, design method of the number of gear teeth is trial, join algorithm, design calculation of trouble and is not easy to find a reasonable. Through the research and analysis of the main drive system of triple slide gear characteristics, draw the part drawing and the spindle box expansion plan and section view.
Key Words: classification of transmission; the transmission system; design; transmission; network structure; structure type; the module of gear; transmission ratio
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 钻床简介
1.2 钻床的发展及趋势
1.3 自动攻丝机介绍
1.4 本课题设计内容及要求
2 自动攻丝机总体方案设计
2.1 自动攻丝机的动力选择
2.2 自动攻丝机的驱动方式
2.3 自动攻丝机的动力性能比较
2.4 自动攻丝机动力的计算与选择
3 自动攻丝机设计
3.1 运动参数及转速图的确定
3.2 确定各变速组此论传动副齿数
4 自动攻丝机动力计算
4.1 带传动设计
4.2 计算转速的计算
4.3 齿轮模数计算及验算
4.4 常用材料及热处理
4.5 传动轴最小轴径的初定
4.6 主轴合理跨距的计算
5 主要零部件的选择
5.1 轴承的选择
5.2 键的规格
5.3 变速操纵机构的选择
6 校核
6.1 刚度校核
6.2 轴承寿命校核
7 结构设计及说明
7.1 结构设计的内容、技术要求和方案
7.2 展开图及其布置
结 论
致 谢