摘 要
目前大规模图计算已经成为大数据处理的核心技术之一,在诸多领域得到了广泛的应用。GPU具有强大的并行计算能力,可以满足图计算存在的高性能及实时性等需求,因此利用GPU来加速图计算的研究得到越来越多的关注。经调研发现,目前基于GPU的图计算系统可以处理的图数据规模有限;系统所采用的整体同步并行计算模型(Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing Model, BSP)要求顺序执行计算和通信任务,使得系统在计算完成之后需要进行大量线程的同步,而且在执行通信任务时,GPU设备和主机设备都处于空闲,造成计算资源的浪费;GPU设备和主机设备之间都是通过PCIe总线连接,因此PCIe带宽也制约着系统性能。
系统为用户提供了用于实现两种编程方式的编程接口。同时,实验结果表明,Purin图计算系统在单个GPU环境下执行BFS算法时,比Cusha系统有至少3.0倍的性能提升。在多个GPU环境下, 针对大多数测试所用的数据集的处理, Purin系统与当前领先的系统Gunrock相比有明显的性能提升。同时,系统本身表现出良好的可扩展性。
Large-scale graph processing has been one of the core technologies of big data processing, and has been applied in various fields. GPU has the characteristics of strong parallel capability and high bandwidth, and graph processing technology needs to meet high-performance and real-time requirements. So, many researchers pay more attention on large-scale graph processing on GPU in recent years. However, the problem size which traditional graph processing systems can handle is limited by GPU memory capacity. Also the traditional graph processing systems are developed based on BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing Model), which requires the sequential execution of the computer and communication tasks. It results in heavy thread synchronization overhead and wasting the computing resources. What’s more, communication overhead between GPU and CPU restricts the performance of large-scale graph processing on multiple GPUs.
Graph processing system called Purin ,which is based on the multi-GPU, aims to solve the problem that current systems has limited data size, heavy communication overhead and utilization of GPU resources. Firstly, Purin uses simple data representation, and provides random and stream based graph partitioning methods. Then Purin transfers the partitioned data to the GPU devices. Secondly, system assigns the computation task to data graph in each GPU device according to the characteristic of partitioned data, and sets different priorities for different computer tasks. Thirdly, system manages the execution order of different tasks by using the asynchronous streams provided by CUDA. Also system provides two different programming model and some optimization strategies to implement the graph algorithm. Finally, Purin terminates the execution on GPUs and collects the results from all devices.
Purin provides effective APIs to the programmer for easy programming, which hides the details of programming on GPU. Our experiment shows that Purin outperforms other state-of-the-art approach Cusha by over 3.0x when running BFS algorithm on one GPU, and shows significant performance improvement over multi-GPUs based system Gunrock when processing datasets most datasets on multi-GPUs. Also, Purin exhibits good scalability.
Key words: Graph Processing, GPU, Communication Overhead
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)
1.3 研究内容 (5)
1.4 论文框架结构 (6)
2 系统架构与设计
2.1 GPU概述 (7)
2.2 问题分析 (8)
2.3 系统架构与功能模块 (10)
2.4 系统关键问题与难点分析 (12)
2.5 小结 (14)
3 系统实现及关键技术
3.1 数据存储和数据划分 (15)
3.2 任务划分和任务管理 (18)
3.3 编程模型和编程接口 (24)
3.4 小结 (29)
4 系统测试和性能分析
4.1 实验测试环境、数据和算法 (30)
4.2 系统性能测试与分析 (32)
4.3 小结 (38)
5 总结与展望 (39)
致 谢 (42)
参考文献 (44)