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基于模板引擎渲染的多页面图书电商系统的设计与实现 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要
In the context of COVID-19, customers cannot go to physical stores to buy their favorite products. However, in today's more mature information, the Internet is sweeping in as a historical trend promoter, collision of various resources, can almost all the latest information through the Internet to search for, in this way, the development of e-commerce has been promoted, which also meets the needs of customers to shop and compare goods without leaving home. Therefore, e-commerce platform has begun to slowly popularize.
E-commerce, as the name suggests, is a brand new mode of online trading. In the digital age, the model will lead the world as a leader and become a trend sales form. Through this mode, enterprises can ease the problem of store leasing, greatly reduce the input of upfront costs, increase the income of enterprises. And the network information dissemination is very fast, can effectively solve the offline nobody asked the embarrassing situation. So the research and development of an e-commerce system also has practical benefits.
The main content of this paper is the book e-commerce system based on template engine rendering. First, we crawled the information from the book site using third party library requests, lxml in Python. Secondly, the Node.js environment is used as backend support, its Art-template third-party library is used to meet the data requirements of the front end and MongoDB is used as the data store of the back end. Then use the front-end related technology to build the framework of the website, use Ajax technology to achieve the separation of front and back end data, the selenuim third-party library in Python is used to write the crawled data to the database through the established administrator information management channel at the back end, as the system of goods for users to choose. In order to solve the confusion of users' choice, the Pearson similarity algorithm is used to realize the recommendation function according to the connection between books. Therefore, this system can not only provide users with a good experience of buying books, but also alleviate the confusion of the embarrassing situation of users. The system basically fulfilled the expectation.
Key words: E-Commerce; template engine; Pearson Similarity Algorithm;
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1  研究背景 1
1.2  国内外研究现状 1
1.3  研究目的及意义 2
1.4  本章小结 2
2 系统的相关技术 3
2.1  Node.js开发环境 3
2.2  JavaScript脚本语言 3
2.3  Ajax技术 3
2.4  MongoDB数据库 4
2.5  Art-template模板引擎 4
2.6  Pearson相似度算法 4
2.7  本章小结 4
3 系统的可行性分析与需求分析 5
3.1  可行性分析 5
3.1.1  技术可行性 5
3.1.2  经济可行性 5
3.1.3  运行可行性 6
3.2  需求分析 6
3.2.1  业务需求 6
3.2.2  功能性需求 10
3.2.3  非功能需求 12
3.3  本章小结 12
4 图书电商系统的设计 13
4.1  系统功能设计 13
4.1.1  游客功能模块 13
4.1.2  用户功能模块 13
4.1.3  管理功能模块 14
4.2  设计创新部分简要叙述 15
4.3  系统数据支持 15
4.3.1  数据获取及处理 16
4.3.2  数据存储 17
4.4  系统数据库设计 19
4.4.1  逻辑设计 19
4.4.2  数据库表设计 19
4.5  本章小结 21
5 图书电商系统的实现 22
5.1  前台功能模块实现 22
5.1.1  首页界面实现 22
5.1.2  用户登录注册模块实现 23
5.1.3  用户购物车界面实现 24
5.1.4  个人信息修改界面实现 24
5.1.5  忘记密码界面实现 25
5.2  后台管理模块实现 26
5.3  推荐功能模块实现 27
5.3.1  基于物品的Pearson相似度算法功能模块实现 27
5.3.2  浏览记录推荐模块实现 30
5.4  本章小结 31
6 系统测试 32
6.1  图书添加功能测试 32
6.2  评论评级功能测试 33
6.3  修改密码功能测试 34
6.4  更换头像功能测试 36
6.5  忘记密码功能测试 37
6.6  购物车功能测试 39
6.7  图书管理功能测试 39
6.8  本章小结 40
总结与展望 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43
附录 44
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景

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