2004年的日本动漫市场谈及2004年的日本动漫市场最轰动的就是吉卜力工作室《哈尔的移动城堡》——工作室三年内发布的第一个作品11月放映。在短短44天时间内超过1000万的观众关注宫崎骏的作品其速度超过任何一部电影作品。从此继续风靡在2005年3月8号观众增加到1423万打破了宫崎骏的作品《幽灵公主》的记录并成为日本电影史上排名第二的作品。现在的问题是这与《千与千寻》设立的2350万日本空前的记录很接近。2005年6月起《哈尔的移动城堡》已经在韩国和其他国家上映包括美国在内的60个国家。市场环境日本动漫因其原创性日本文化基础和内容而受到全世界的欢迎。导演押井守的作品《Inocence》在2004年的第57届戛纳电影节上提名。《Inocence》作为《攻壳机动队》的续集登上了《公告牌》视频排行榜的首位。宫崎骏的《千与千寻》在2003年第75届奥斯卡金像奖获得最佳长篇动画片电影奖并2002年柏林国际电影节金熊奖又一次证明了日本是一个世界级的动漫生产王国。据报道很多美国和亚洲的动画家很想从事于日本动漫产品的生产这表明日本动漫已经被很多专业人员认作龙头领域。《千与千寻》的成功表明了日本动漫产业在全球公众领域的成功和国际竞争力。全世界都看到了日本动漫的潜在大市场。 尽管如此这个行业还没有改变它的姿态来充分响应世界对他的好评。
Summary Japanese animation is in the spotlight not only in Japan, but overseas as well. Amid an expanding domestic market for films, television and videos, Japanese animation film producers have also been turning their eyes toward overseas markets. At the same time, new developments have been seen in terms of diversified funding methods for film production. Against this background, the Japanese animation industry is working hard to deal with shortages in certain human-resource skills, reductions in domestic film-production sites and the challenge of expanding operations overseas.
Market Overview Japanese Animation Market in 2004 The talk of the Japan animation market in 2004 was Studio Ghibli’s smash hit, Howl’s Moving Castle, the studio’s first new release in three years, which opened in November. Director Hayao Miyazaki’s work exceeded 10 million viewers in just 44 days, faster than any movie in Japan. Its popularity continued thereafter, with viewers rising to 14.23 million as of March 8, 2005, breaking the mark set by Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke and placing it number two in Japanese film history.