Normal Stress Effects in Slider-Disk Interface Lubrication with Non-Newtonian Fluid
Chen Haosheng1*, Li Jiang2, Chen Darong1, Wang Jiadao1
1. State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing China 100084.
2. Department of mechanology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 100083
To analyze normal stress effects of non-Newtonian fluid in lubrication of the magnetic head-disk interface, a modified Reynolds equation including the effects of normal stress is established. The expression of the first normal stress difference in the equation is derived from the Rivlin-Ericksen second order flow equation and the fluid momentum equation. Lubrication results of the magnetic head-disk interface is calculated using the modified Reynolds equation. Under the condition of steady laminar lubrication, the pressure and the load capacity of non-Newtonian fluid is increased by the effect of the first normal stress difference, but the effect is constrained by the normal velocity and can be omitted in the calculation. When the slider flying height changes or the lubricant film thickness decreases, the normal velocity increases and the effect of the first normal stress difference need to be considered.
Keywords: non-Newtonian fluid, first normal stress difference, magnetic data storage systems