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Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With  the  march  of  globalization,  enterprises  are  hunting  for  competitive employees  through  various  ways,  such  as  Internet,  newspaper  or  apps.  In  this information  era,  employers  are  increasingly  posting  online  recruitment  needs. Recruitment discourse plays an vital role in the current context, since a successfully-designed recruitment advertising can encourage more readers to apply for the posts. It is viewed as a tool connecting employers and candidates. Thus, discourse choices in recruitment advertising are paramount to both employers and applicants as the strategy to write a well-designed advertisement could indeed balance the demand and need in competitive job market.
Recruitment advertisement, a widespread channel of communication, contributes to both recruiters and applicants. Specifically, the company desires to find and recruit the best match for opening posts, and then, job seekers are likely to search for the most satisfied position so as to achieve a win-win result. In the fierce job market, it serves as the medium of delivering abundant information to potential applicants and propagating positive image of companies. The previous studies reveal that the advertising discourse has  been  a  topic  of  great  interest  in  all  sectors.  Advertising,  in  fact,  is  a  publicized method of transforming information to the society openly. And recruitment advertising serves as a special branch of it, undoubtedly possessing notable features.
In  view  of  its  communicative  genre,  the  identities  of  advertisers  and  readers become more crucial in the study of recruitment advertisings. Gao (2005) and Maynard (1995) also thinks that advertisings discourse is the carrier of advertisers. Wang (2013) believe that advertising discourse presents the communication between advertisers and readers,  which  testifies  its  essence  of  interaction.  That  is  to  say,  an  advertising  is  a process  of  communication  between  advertisers  and  readers.
1.2 Significance
The  current  study  exploring  the  pragmatic  identity  construction  in  English recruitment advertisements has the following significance theoretically and practically.
Theoretically, the significance of this study is to enrich the identity theory with recruiting advertisement discourse. Discourse is the carrier of identity, and identity can influence the production of discourse. The study of identity is mostly correlated with business  discourse,  public  speech  or  media  texts.  As  a  mixed  type  of  discourse, recruitment advertisings can renew the field and context with a variety of genres. The first is the business genre, recruitment advertisements possess promotional character in recruiting  context  due  to  its  demand  of  talents.  The  second  is  the  public  features. Recruitment advertisements are inevitably public to the wider job market so as to attract more  potential  applicants.  The  third  is  the  media  style.  It's  a  rather  special  media discourse posted on the recruitment websites or newspapers. It performs the purpose of spreading  the  key  information  and  publicizing  the  positive  image  of  company. According to some pilot study, recruitment advertisement is widely-used text that often constructs variable identities. Except for the original identities including recruiters and applicants,  some  pragmatic  identities  will  emerge  responding  to  the  call  of  practical purposes. The thesis determines to develop the investigation of identity from a refreshed perspective. Indeed, it is this mixed type of discourse that enables to make a deep and thorough  exploration  into  the  identity.  Thus,  the  combination  between  recruiting discourse and pragmatic identity construction is rational and necessary.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 English Recruitment Advertisings
2.1.1 A Brief Introduction to English
Recruitment Advertisings Recruitment advertising is not only comprised of job postings, but also of PR and other information concerning company. It is designed to create interest of readers as well as find employees for the available posts. Under the context of competitive talent market, recruitment advertising is of significance to attract appropriate candidate and to help applicants find out proper posts. Thus, it has developed into a mature genre with exceptional features.
First, it can be regarded as an institutional text. It’s a kind of advertisement only used  for  recruitment  in  company.  As  the  first  channel  of  communication,  it  would construct interpersonal and power relation between recruiters and applicants. Second, it possesses professional and settled mode. Recruitment advertising usually covers the title, profile, job description, requirements, benefits and application process. As its main readers  are  putative  applicants,  recruitment  advertisings  will  use  plain,  simple  and attractive language to convey latest information quickly. Thirdly, its aim is different from  ordinary  advertisement.  Recruitment  advertising  intends  to  propagandize  the excellent  and  positive  image  of  company  as  well  as  to  attract  appropriate  and outstanding candidates for available posts.
2.1.2 Previous Studies on English Recruitment Advertisings
The  few  studies  that  have  been  conducted  have  focused  on  the  transitivity, modality or metafunctions of English Recruitment Advertisings. For example, Wang (2005) conducts a transitivity research on English recruitment advertisings. Wang aims to conduct a deep exploration of recruitment advertisings so as to increase the cognitive ability towards language. Among those six types of processes, material process is the most salient. The purpose of every process is to attract readers and excellent applicants.
2.2 Previous Studies on Identity and Its Construction
Throughout the past studies, many aspects of identity have been salient, including its  definition,  classification,  significance  and  usages  in  society.  Generally,  these findings can be explained from three views in chronological order as follows.
2.2.1 In the Aspect of Social Constructionism
Identity has been a hotly-debated topic in the field of discursive analysis, sociology and  communication  studies.  The  definitions  of  identity  are  various  from  different perspectives. It is noted that social constructionism is a turning point. In the beginning, the identity could be defined strongly or weakly. The former one means that identity is basic and everlasting ego, and conversely the latter refers to an identity that is multiple not single, dynamic not permanent, complicated and contextually-constrained.
As the social constructionism occurs in academia, the above traditional concepts are overturned by the new identity theory (Hall, 1996). However, their definitions have some  common  view  which  will  be  stated  as  follow.  Firstly,  identity  is  not  a  given product but a process of construction. Antaki and Widdicome (1998:1) view identity as a  final  result  of  joint  activity  and  discursive  act.  Secondly,  identity  occurs  under  a concrete and specific context. Grad and Rojo (2008) suggest that individual will create the identity and social domain in line with corresponding context during the interactive process.  Thirdly,  identity  is  not  simply  originated  from  single  person,  but  from  the interactive  process  and  contextualization.  It  is  found  that  there  exist  conventional connections between certain identity and related activity, power and duties. Finally, the process of identity construction needs to employ interactions.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation .......................................... 18
3.1 Simon's Self-Aspect Model of Identity (SAMI) ............................... 18
3.2 Levels of Identity by Brewer and Gardner .................................. 20
3.3 Verschueren's Adaptation Theory ...................................... 21
Chapter Four Pragmatic Identities in Recruitment Advertisements ................................ 26
4.1 Pragmatic Identities of Recruiters .................... 26
4.1.1 Personal Level ........................................ 26
4.1.2 Relational Level ........................................... 28
Chapter Five Pragmatic Identity Construction in English Recruitment Advertisements.................38
5.1 Discursive Strategies Used for Pragmatic Identity Construction .......................... 38
5.1.1 Macro-Level Discursive Strategy ................................... 39
5.1.2 Micro-Level Discursive Strategy ...................................... 45
Chapter Five Pragmatic Identity Construction in English Recruitment Advertisements
5.1 Discursive Strategies Used for Pragmatic Identity Construction
Pragmatic  identities  of  three  levels  in  recruitment  advertisements  have  been explored  in  the  previous  chapter.  This  section  is  intended  to  settle  down  the  second question of how the pragmatic identities are constructed through discursive strategies.         As  Tracy  (2002)  noted,  speech  acts  are  essentially  discursive  practice.  There  are correlations between discursive practice and identity, which means one's identity will influence his discursive choices, and in turn, one's discursive practice will define his identity. In light of Chen (2017), pragmatic identity can be constructed by many kinds of  discursive  practices,  ranging  from  macro-level  including  code  switching,  style choice, discourse content to micro-level including speech acts, address forms, grammar, lexical words, etc. It reveals that the construction of pragmatic identity can be analyzed from the perspective of discourse. Consequently, this section sets out to investigate the discursive practices used to construct pragmatics identities, which will be divided into two categories: micro-level and macro-level.
Accordingly,  the  author  concludes  the  different  discursive  strategies  used  to construct identities of three levels in table 5.1. The following sections will make both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings
Combined  with  qualitative  and  quantitative  research,  the  thesis  explains  and analyzes research questions mentioned in chapter one.
Firstly,  the  first  question  will  be  answered  from  three  aspects.  There  are  three levels  of  pragmatic  identities  constructed  in  recruitment  advertisings,  including personal level, relational level and collective level. They can also be called as personal identity  with  distinctive  features  differing  from  others,  relational  identity  concerned with interaction and interpersonal relation, as well as collective identity characterized by group common background. Moreover, the thesis made a comprehensive study since both  participants  in  the  recruitment  advertisements  are  considered.  From  the perspective  of  recruiters,  they  tend  to  construct  personal  and  relational  identities  for themselves.  Generally,  recruiters  are  likely  to  describe  themselves  as  capable, outstanding  and  leading  representatives.  Many  positive  images  are  integrated  into personal  identity  so  as  to  show  the  responsibility,  ability  and  success  of  those companies.  Besides,  the  relational  identity  also  occupies  a  large  proportion  since interpersonal relation matters in the communication between recruiters and applicants. Although some relational identities are deviated from recruiters, the identities of helpers or team partners indeed create harmonious relation. From the perspective of applicants, collective identities for them are mainly concerned with jobs. With the aim of providing clarity on recruiting demand, recruiters will construct multiple collective identities that match with job requirements, for instance, master, technician, accounting leader and coach.  All  of  these  identities  reflect  the  requirements  on  background  and  related experience. All in all, both parties have pragmatic identities distributed in three levels, but they have different focus.

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