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基于Android的蓝牙智慧健康系统 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

【关键字】 Bluetooth;Android;Java;医疗
Research on Bluetooth Intelligent Health System
Based on Android
【Abstract】 With the development of modern information technology and people are paying more and more attention to health, the medical and health system more and more into the homes of ordinary people. In recent years, many families have health detection equipment (blood glucose, blood pressure, oximetry), but only by the health detection equipment to measure insufficient records, analysis and so on. A practical, suitable for use in the elderly and intuitive wisdom health system is very promising. At present, the domestic smart health system are still not practical, communication etc.. Existing research at home and abroad in this paper, the health conditions of the existing intelligent software to carry on the analysis, combined with the rise of Android market fiery and Bluetooth technology now provide an effective improvement scheme of health care equipment and Bluetooth technology. The idea is to develop a bluetooth access health system, the Android device can communicate reliably measuring devices with Bluetooth medical; when measuring the user in the Bluetooth medical measuring equipment, the measured data will be transmitted via Bluetooth to the Android equipment, health system of the received data is processed and uploaded server. Its advantage is that it can be for the data analysis and storage, eliminating manual recording tape, help users to easily manage their own health information, compared with the health care system in the past have great advantage.
【Keywords】 Bluetooth, Android,Java, medical
第一章 绪论 1
1.1背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 蓝牙的现状和改进想法 1
1.2.2 Android现状和改进想法 2
1.2.3 关于智能健康系统的体会、启发与想法 2
1.3论文简介 3
1.3.1论文工作 3
1.3.2论文结构 3
第二章 智慧健康系统简介 3
2.1智慧健康系统的工作流程 3
2.2智慧健康系统的创新点 4
2.2.1一对多 4
2.2.2云存储 4
2.3智慧健康系统配套设备简介 5
第三章 智慧健康系统需求分析 5
3.2健康账户的需求分析 6
3.3蓝牙搜索匹配与数据传输传输的需求分析 8
3.4数据分析与统计的需求分析 9
第四章 蓝牙智慧健康系统的设计与实现 10
4.1总体设计 10
4.2详细设计 11
4.2.1后台设计 11
4.2.2前端设计 12
4.2.3数据库设计 12
4.3后台实现 12
4.3.1蓝牙传输实现 12
4.3.2用户业务实现 16
4.4前端实现 16
4.5数据库实现 19
第五章 蓝牙智慧健康系统的测试 20
5.1测试方案 20
5.2测试用例 20
5.3测试结果 21
5.4结果说明 24
第六章 总结 24
参考文献 25

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