目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1 引言 5
2.1 系统需求分析
2.2 可行性分析
2.3 本系统采用的关键技术
3 系统概要设计
4 系统详细设计
4.1 后台数据库设计
4.2 系统E-R图
4.3.2 数据增加流程
4.3.3 数据修改流程
4.3.4 数据删除流程
4.4 系统模块设计
4.4.2 售后服务分类管理
4.4.3 售后服务信息管理
4.4.4 投诉信息管理
4.4.5 产品回访管理
5 系统调试与测试
参考文献 32
摘 要
本系统的主要任务是为基于JavaEE技术和SQL Server数据库的售后服务管理系统建立一个企业设计。主要技术要求包括:掌握web开发所需的技术,包括HTML和JSP动态网页编程技术,SQL Server数据库知识,等等。主要实现企业售后服务信息的增删改查,顾客信息的增删改查,顾客留言信息的及时反馈保存,管理员帐号增删、登录等。该系统还可以方便制造商跟踪产品的质量和服务和管理以及购买者对企业的建议提交。
关键词: JavaEE技术;产品售后;管理系统
The development of the information industry and the after-sales service of our country is growing rapidly, and the development of e-commerce is beyond the imagination of all people, and it brings many problems as well. The boom in trading volumes has led to a lot of GDP growth, but behind the slick is the daily scramble for customer service. Because customers are demanding higher quality of their own quality of life, the after-sales management industry must change with the improvement of people's living standard. Along with the continuous expansion of shopping, after all the feedback, complaints, will be more and more complicated, such as to the requirement of after-sales service management system of its own management workload will be greater and greater. Human services do not respond to timely and effective responses, and make the right response, and the need for a system to address these problems. The purpose of this project is to solve this problem!
The main task of the system is to establish an enterprise design for the after-sales service management system based on the JavaEE technology and the SQL Server database. The main technical requirements include: mastering the technologies required for web development, including HTML and JSP dynamic web programming techniques, SQL Server database knowledge, and so on. Mainly to reach the company after-sales service to add and delete information, customer information, add and delete customer feedback message/save, add or delete for the administrator account, login, etc. The system also allows manufacturers to track the quality and service and management of products and the recommendations of the buyers for the enterprise.
Key words: JavaEE technology; After Service;Management System