摘 要
关键词:新闻管理系统 JAVA ssm
BLOG English name is BLOG, is the abbreviation of web log, simply translated into Chinese is the network log. It was introduced by Jorn Barger in the United States in 1972. It is a website or online diary managed by an individual to post new articles, pictures or videos for recording, expressing emotions or sharing information. Blog posts are usually arranged in reverse order, from new to old, according to the time of Posting. A typical blog combines text, images, hyperlinks to other blogs or websites, and other media related to the topic. The ability to let readers leave comments in an interactive manner is an important element of many blogs. Most of the blog content is text-based, but some blogs focus on art, photography, video, music, podcasts and other topics. Blogs are part of social media networks.
Given to the importance of the Internet and social networking, learning to develop a set of his own blog management system management system is necessary, although there have been several open source free personal blog management system abroad, but all are developed abroad, such as Typecho, WordPress, Roller, TQBlog, etc., some function is not suitable for China's national conditions, does not conform to the habits of the Chinese people, so a set of fully developed by Chinese design news blog management system management system is very important.
This paper introduces the news blog management system implemented by JSP + SSM +mysql, the system covers the multi-user management, blog article editing, query statistics, log management, permission management and a series of news blog management functions required..
Keywords: News blog management system Blog JAVA ssm
目 录
目 录
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景、目的及意义
1.1.1 课题背景
1.1.2 课题目的和意义
1.2 新闻管理系统部署现状及未来发展趋势
1.2.1 新闻管理系统部署的现状
1.2.2 新闻管理系统未来发展趋势
第二章 可行性分析
2.1 经济可行性
2.2 技术可行性
2.3 操作可行性
2.4 系统的技术介绍
2.4.1 Javascript
2.4.2 JQuery
2.4.3 MySQL
2.4.4 SSM
2.4.5 easyui
2.5 系统开发平台及运行环境
2.5.1 系统开发平台
2.5.2 运行环境
第三章 需求分析
3.1 系统功能模块概述和分析
3.1.1 信息需求分析
3.1.2 功能需求分析
3.1.3 性能需求分析
3.2 系统功能模块设计
3.3 数据库分析
3.4 数据库的物理结构设计
第四章 新闻管理系统的设计与实现
4.1 用户及角色管理
4.2 菜单管理
4.3 新闻管理
4.4 PC和手机浏览器显示效果
4.7 系统日志记录
4.8 系统部分实现代码
第五章 系统测试
5.1 测试的目的与目标
5.2 测试方法
5.3 测试用例
5.4 测试结论
第六章 结论与展望
第七章 致谢
第八章 参考文献