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基于改进的共轭梯度法求解非线性方程组(数学专业) 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+开题答辩PPT+文献资料+外文翻译及原文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要






Conjugate gradient method has been widely studied and paid attention to because of its small memory demand, simple iterative form and fast convergence speed, and has been widely used in solving practical problems. Based on the existing research results, two conjugate gradient algorithms are proposed to solve unconstrained optimization problems and nonlinear monotone equations respectively. The global convergence of the algorithm is established and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by numerical experiments. For nonlinear equations, a new search direction is modified.

In many conjugate gradient methods, the sufficient descending conjugate gradient method satisfying the sufficient descent condition is often more effective. This paper focuses on these methods and uses them to solve general nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems and nonlinear equations. from solving the general differentiable unconstrained optimization problem, we discuss a unified framework for a fully descending conjugate gradient method. then, the conjugate gradient method under this framework is extended to solve nonlinear equations with convex constraints and non-differentiable unconstrained convex optimization problems.

Prove its full degradability and global convergence under appropriate assumptions. Through numerical experiments, it is proved that the numerical results NN the proposed algorithm are better than PRP. algorithm The new algorithm is numerically tested to verify the effectiveness of the method. Through numerical experiments, and compared with the original algorithm, it is proved that the numerical results are better.

Keywords: conjugate gradient method, nonlinearity, equations, optimization, convergence

目  录

摘 要






2 全局收敛性及条件

2.1 FR方法

2.2 PRP方法和HS方法

2.3 CD方法

2.4 DY方法

3 共轭梯度法求解非线性改进简介

3.1 杂交共轭梯度法

3.2 共轭梯度法簇

3.3 最短余量法

3.4 Beale-Powell重新开始方法

4 Hager-Zhang共轭梯度算法改进

4.1 引言

4.2 共轭梯度算法

4.3 下降条件

4.4 全局收敛性

5 总结与展望

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