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基于html的苏州旅游网站的设计与实现 毕业论文+答辩PPT+html前后台源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目  录

第一章 绪论

1.1. 选题背景及意义

1.2. 国内外研究现状

1.3. 研究主要内容

第二章 开发工具的选用及介绍

2.1. 网页开发技术

2.1.1. HTML简介

2.1.2. DIV+CSS简介

2.1.3. bootstrap

2.2. 网页制作工具

2.2.1. Photoshop

2.2.2. Dreamweaver

2.2.3. visual studio code

2.2.4. firefox

第三章 系统分析

3.1. 可行性研究

3.1.1. 经济上的可行性

3.1.2. 技术上的可行性

3.1.3. 操作上的可行性

3.2. 开发结构分析

3.3. 功能需求分析

3.4. 数据流图

3.5. 业务流程分析

3.6. 数据字典

第四章 总体设计

4.1. 设计方案

4.2. 功能分解

4.3. 网站模块设计

4.3.1. 前台界面

4.3.2. 后台管理

4.4. 数据库设计与实现

第五章 详细设计

5.1. 网站前后设计

5.1.1. 首页

5.1.2. 首页中间部分

5.1.3. 关于苏州

5.1.4. 酒店介绍

5.1.5. 酒店详情

5.1.6. 关于我们

5.2. 网站后台设计

5.2.1. 后台首页

5.2.2. 文章列表页

第六章 测试与总结

6.1. 编程环境展示

6.2. 前台界面实现

6.3. 总结


致  谢


摘  要 :科技发展日新月异,旅游产业顺应时代发展,定制化旅游成为了新的风向,用户对于新事物的认知来源于供给者在互联网上提供的相关信息,网站的优劣间接的影响着用户体验度。互联网+的不断深入带动了传统行业的经济发展,旅游行业也需要实现线上线下的一体化。




Absrtact: with the rapid development of science and technology, the tourism industry conforms to the development of the times, and customized tourism has become a new wind direction. Users' cognition of new things comes from the relevant information provided by suppliers on the Internet. The advantages and disadvantages of the website indirectly affect the user experience. The continuous deepening of the Internet has driven the economic development of traditional industries, and the tourism industry also needs to realize the integration of online and offline.

This paper summarizes the concept and importance of Html programming technology, through a simple analysis of customized tourism website development ideas, from requirements analysis, UML model design, front-end design, Back-end design analysis of Web programming technology on the basis of meeting the needs of users how to better apply to today's website development.

In order to solve the demand of tourists for tourism information inquiry, travel route reservation and so on, the mainstream Html and css technology are adopted to realize the design of Suzhou tourism website. The scenic spot administrator can publish the tourism information, the registered user can carry on the classification inquiry and the comment according to the tourism plate, realizes the interaction between the user and the scenic spot administrator, thus enhances the user experience, facilitates the user to travel.

Keywords: Suzhou Tourism; Tourism Website; Html; Web Design

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