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金融信息化及交易管理系统 毕业论文+任务书+初稿+终稿+查重版论文+项目源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘 要





Financial Information and Transaction Management System


As the rapid development of economy, the rapid change of market leads to the change of business rules, so for IT enterprises, this requires that the designed software system can adapt to this rapid change. The development and maintenance cycle of software is very long, which contradicts the current rapid change. The emergence of the rule engine solves this contradiction well. The rule engine is developed from the reasoning engine. It is a component embedded in the application program. It realizes the separation of business decisions from the application code and uses predefined semantic modules to write business decisions.

In this paper, the definition, architecture and common algorithms of rule engine are discussed in detail, and the design and implementation of rule engine on the real-time transaction management system of a large international financial service institution are described in detail, including business rules, business rule compiler, business rule library, business rule processor and business rule execution. The use of rule engine solves the problem of high coupling degree and line difference in the application of traditional system architecture, which makes the system separate the business layer code from the system, develop and maintain separately, reduce the coupling degree of the system, greatly improve the adaptability of the system, and reduce the cost of development and maintenance.

This system uses the relevant knowledge of Java and database. Main functions: trading (including: investment finance, stock futures); interest (automatic calculation of interest excluding the remaining funds invested and added to the principal); login. High scalability (sufficient expansion space for future customers); liquidation and payment functions (after customer exit, all funds can be settled and paid).

Keywords: virtual finance; financial transactions; transaction management

目  录

1 绪 论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.2 研究现状

1.3 研究主要内容

2 需求分析与实施方案

2.1 虚拟金融信息化交易系统的功能

2.2 可行性分析

2.3 系统开发技术

2.4 系统开发工具及环境

2.5 系统开发方式

3 需求分析

3.1 系统结构

3.2 系统描述

3.2.1 总述

3.2.2 分述

3.3 总体功能模块

3.3.1 总体功能模块

3.3.2 用户登录流程

3.4 系统用例模型

3.4.1 活动者识别

3.4.2 用例识别

3.4.3 用例图

4 系统设计

4.1 功能模块细化

4.1.1 我的首页(系统首页)模块

4.1.2 金融信息化交易模块

4.1.3 个人信息修改模块

4.2 数据库设计

4.2.1 E-R图的设计

4.2.2 数据表

4.3 系统类设计

4.3.1 Util工具类的设计

4.3.2 业务逻辑层的类设计

4.3.3 视图层的设计

5 系统实现



5.1.2 数据表设计与实现

5.1.3 数据库连接字符串

5.2 功能实现

5.2.1 首页模块

5.2.2 交易模块

5.2.3 个人信息模块

6 系统测试

6.1 概述

6.2 系统测试用例

6.2.1 系统首页测试

6.2.2 交易测试

6.2.3 个人信息测试

6.3 测试总结

7 结  论

7.1 设计评价

7.2 改进要求及目标


致  谢

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