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二层立体车库的设计 毕业设计论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要


关键词:  二层停车机构;节省空间;方便


Stereo garage is the storage which is used foe automatic parking and scientific storage of kings of  automobile .As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays. The hard-to-park problem hao become a commom phenomenon. Menchanicao stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parkingcars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studise the type mecchanical paarking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage,and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.

on thebasis of inbestigation on currrent stituation and developing trend of garage sture as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up -dowm and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts:part of ear-base structuie、 part of driving-framework and park of control systom. The paper simply instrcucture and characteristics of garage and aslo gives a short introduction to its contol sysem. The finite element reliability checking of stee; structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-dowm an translation stere garage,  the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation strereo garage. Including intension of  the framework structure and axes, etc. The paper adopted PLC as control syetem in designing the up-down and translation stereo garage,PLC software of omron compay was used weave the program of contol system,through debugging running. The result proved that adopted PLC as control systom is simple and easy to realize. The characteristic of stabilization, credibility,speediness and high capability made the control system very perfection. In order to satisfy using demand indesign stereo garage. According to criterion of mechanical parking systems-garage the paper intriduced some safety technique which was use in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for car and make the whole stereo garage safey and running smooth.

Keyword :Urban parkades;Convenient;Space Savers

目  录

第1章 绪论



1.3停车库的发展趋势 3

1.4社会调查 4

第2章 側翻式立体车库机械部分的设计 8

2.1 立体车库结构 8

2.1.1 立体车库简介 8

2.1.2 側翻式立体车库钢结构设计 10

2.2 側翻式立体车库的设计要求..........................................................................................................11

2.1.1 三维图形 1

2.1.2立柱的设计 14

2.3 液压缸的设计和校核 15

2.3.1液压缸1的设计计算 15

2.3.2液压缸2的设计计算 17

2.3.3液压缸3,4的设计计算 18

2.3.4液压控制系统概述 18

第3章 立体车库电器控制设计系统.............................................................................................................................................21

3.1 电气控制系统整体设计 21

3.2检点与控制点 22

3.3 电气系统关键部分设计 22

第4章 结论和展望 29

4.1 结论 29

4.2 展望 29

参考文献 31

致  谢 33

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