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仓库管理信息系统设计与开发 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘 要


本系统根据公司业务特点及迫切上线的需求,从实际出发,使用C#语言开发客户端,使用sql Server作为数据库,配合使用条码打印机、手持条码枪实现对货物的收货、检验、上架、出库、查询等。


本系统主要包括“仓库管理”,“入库管理”, “品质管理”,“出库管理”,“库存与盘点”,“系统管理”等。主要是对物资的出入库进行统计和核算,及时准确地掌握存货库存情况,动态反映物资的增减变动,为决策提供基础数据。


Design and development of warehouse management information system


As a custom-made enterprise, the material types are ready for turnover with orders. In order to cope with the changeable market environment, respond to customer orders quickly, and reduce the inventory cost of the enterprise, the enterprise can only rely on the enterprise management system - ERP.Warehouse management system is an important link in ERP, is also an important part of the enterprise production process.Companies to take a place in the modern market both at home and abroad, it must make its warehouse management system to achieve modernization level, not only from the original manual stage to convenient computer age, more to make use of computer information technology advantage, choose reasonable method of warehouse management, ensure production at the same time, the maximum to reduce inventory capital takes up, at the same time take the initiative to do first in first out, the validity of control, and reduce the waste caused by storage time expired.At the same time, combined with the use of barcode, to achieve fast and accurate goods out of storage, inventory, inspection.

This system according to the company's business characteristics and urgent online needs, from the actual start, using C# language to develop the client, using SQL Server as the database, with the use of barcode printer, handheld barcode gun to achieve the goods receiving, inspection, shelf, out of storage, query, etc.

According to the company's existing information system architecture, the warehouse management system receives purchase orders, inventory files, unit information and personnel files from the company's original Yonyou ERP to form the data source of the system, and reverse synchronize the information in and out of the warehouse to keep the data synchronization with the ERP system.

This system mainly includes "warehouse management", "warehouse management", "quality management", "warehouse management", "inventory and inventory", "system management" and so on.It mainly carries on the statistics and the accounting to the material in and out of the warehouse, grasps the inventory situation timely and accurately, dynamically reflects the change of the material increase and decrease, provides the basic data for the decision.

Key words: warehouse management system;C#;Scan code to go in and out of storage;

目  录

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究的目的及意义

1.3 仓库管理系统的优势

1.4 本文章节结构


第二章 需求分析

2.1 仓库管理现状

2.2 仓库管理系统功能需求分析




第三章 系统设计

3.1 系统软硬件架构

3.2 系统技术架构




3.6 用户界面设计


第四章 实现与测试

4.1 功能实现

4.2 技术实现


4.4 技术测试




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